Yeah well...papaya still isnt done with killing the game? :D

odin24768odin24768 Posts: 113Approved Member Trainee
my last post was december 2k16 and lets say i was online in that time for maybe 6-7 times (including today)
i wonder if the game has brought anything "new" or lets say "good" beside the classic "randombox in randombox in randombox" matroshka problem...

noone from my fl was online, noone in the guild (50/50 complete filled if i saw it right) was online, spambots everywhere (as usual) and the worst thing: our TS server seems to be dead...

i saw a few UI changes at the blacksmith etc, is there anything else that is exciting?

                                                                                  Level: 186 Rank: Knight


  • odin24768odin24768 Posts: 113Approved Member Trainee
    my last post was december 2k16 and lets say i was online in that time for maybe 6-7 times (including today)
    i wonder if the game has brought anything "new" or lets say "good" beside the classic "randombox in randombox in randombox" matroshka problem...

    noone from my fl was online, noone in the guild (50/50 complete filled if i saw it right) was online, spambots everywhere (as usual) and the worst thing: our TS server seems to be dead...

    i saw a few UI changes at the blacksmith etc, is there anything else that is exciting?

                                                                                      Level: 186 Rank: Knight
  • RazeeerRazeeer Posts: 212Approved Member Trainee
    @odin24768 "i saw a few UI changes at the blacksmith etc, is there anything else that is exciting?
    " ohhhh yes... things like the 200% dil boost they added last night. All jokes aside thou, no there isn't.
    They are so out of ideas they literally added a 200% dil boost "event" a few hours ago, a few days ago etc... I mean really?

    People have been duping dils without any consequence for ages, I literally sit on a shit amount of bullions and I'm so "poor" I can't afford a high-end item right now. BILLIONS papaya, and you add a dil boost, which is just as useful as trying to break a brick wall using your flaccid dick.. "oh look mobs drop 20k dil instead of 10k dil, ppl will surely appreciate this" while a copper argate is worth like 26m ... seriously spam 4x 150 crespo dg get 4 coppers sell them get 100m dil from that, which is the equivalent of hundreds of hours of farming dils from mobs with the 2x boost.
  • ShirololShirolol Posts: 80Approved Member Beginner
    Hi! Yes there's quite a few big changes that have happened since you left in 2016.. Several high level dungeons, new customizable costume system, emblems, infinite perpetuus, helpyron armour and weapons, mc3, new accessories/armlets/belts, more regular events and some effort by papaya to improve their communications and fixes on their end and some other things i'm probably forgetting.

    But I don't think anything I or anyone else says is going to have any impact on your view so it's probably best if you just find a way to enjoy the game yourself (and stop caring so much about the other stuff.), put some effort into helping the situation (best option if you actually like the game) or just leave it and move on.

    That being said, hope to see you in Dekaron! It's not all doom and gloom. ^^
  • renauulrenauul Posts: 7Member Beginner
    YES you forgot to mention some thing @shiro, all these NEW THINGS NOT FREE, and cost ridiculous $, even tho u can farm rates are so low you will instantly look into dshop, i know its players choice to buy or not, but its made this way, also u forgot to mention game full of duped helpyron armors weps ingriedents mc3 etc, papaya said they removed it AND FIXED duping yeEEE ...

     Also there was gm shop  and still exist ; just check all these items and stocks, well i never bought from here so cant confirm if its fake sales or not, skill books, argates talismans, helpyron mc3 ingriedents for really good price, i dont know who sellin there probably papaya since duping was fixed right PAPAYA? 

    Well maybe some players still enjoying game (idk how, maybe cheating, and having advantage through wallet, well it was always kinda p2w, but now it reached unacceptable level), i hope u all open your eyes and will leave papaya.


  • odin24768odin24768 Posts: 113Approved Member Trainee
    the worst part i saw from all the new stuff is that the new MC§ has to be upgraded after getting hands on all the stuff needed haha :D

    about duping/hacking/corruption, well...lets say it like that: 
    i have been playing since closed beta and this is just common to the game.

    i miss the fun times when hacking was used to create big battles vs hackers and nonhackers f.ex.
    also the good guys like Pasta and so many more "bad guys" who made the game filled with drama and action are missing these days :D sadly none of them (i asked some recently) are willing to come back xD
                                                                                      Level: 186 Rank: Knight
  • ShirololShirolol Posts: 80Approved Member Beginner
    @renauul I never said anything was free, Dekaron has always been about huge farms and grinds.. And I never said pricing was right either, if you look at my posts you'll see i'm totally for lowering the paywall for things and reducing the randomness of the boxes or giving better rewards when you don't get that top item. But PLEASE don't advertise those types of sites on the forums, that won't help anything at all. It's just self destructive behaviour, you claim to hate it and yet advertise it.... :/

    Just because you choose to focus on every negative aspect of something doesn't mean that there isn't some good things worth talking about, it more shows how you view things. No one denied that bad things happened, but I can only presume you're new to Dekaron if you think this is something that hasn't been happening since the beginning. 

    This "gm shop" that you are obsessed with isn't a papaya hack or even anything to do with gms, it's actually one of the oldest style of hacks that was possible way back in 2 moons, not even dekaron - it's been here since the start and has been abused since then, with periods of time where the publishers actually blocked that type of editing from working. The fact you are so upset about it now means you were just ignorant of these facts until recently.

    @odin24768 MC3s and helpyron items are very hard to upgrade atm yeah, it's something I really hope Papaya are willing to make a minor change to at least so that more people can get good sets without buying them pre upgraded. :( 

    There's still some decent battles going on in doomed and crespo, just not as often. ^^ And DKSQ is decently active at the S rank (186+) if you get up here, though you will need some gear ofc.. Don't let the haters turn you away if you enjoy the game, because there's definitely one thing I agree with them on - we need more people coming back! 
  • renauulrenauul Posts: 7Member Beginner
    Well its pointless to listen to you since your super legit yourself, can u comment why you blurred lvl and % on some dg run, while at pvp showing ur lvl smh Since ur so helpfull get rid of spamming bots in ardeca mr advertiser lmao.
  • kenixmankenixman Posts: 64Approved Member Beginner
    Thanks to deka I made about $10,000+ selling gears.
  • odin24768odin24768 Posts: 113Approved Member Trainee
    well kenixman, i cann tell you ppl did that already few months after the regular launch of the game and later an again and again after the hoster changed due to new hacks, corruption etc.
    thats dekaron and thats how it has always been.
    So dont go and think you are something special with thos 10k+ :D
                                                                                      Level: 186 Rank: Knight
  • renauulrenauul Posts: 7Member Beginner
    I bet dat dot was added by accident.
  • kenixmankenixman Posts: 64Approved Member Beginner
    I am something special I actually made way more than that. I just stop but that’s just a week of work. Thanks again papaya.
  • ShirololShirolol Posts: 80Approved Member Beginner
    @Renauul FIRST OF ALL, thanks for linking my videos - extra exposure! Gonna' be some Seggy PvP stuff (and maybe old AK clips) on there when I find the time to edit them together. ^^ Shameless plug over... 

    To answer your question: Maybe it's something to do with why that account is no longer with us, RIP. It wasn't exactly a planned thing to try go for level 200, it just kinda' happened. Just a bit over 1 level to go aswell, so close. :( I'm not hiding who my character is though or what happened to it, I've been punished for it - it's done. (This thread isn't meant to be about me, though the attention is appreciated.. :3) I would also get rid of those spam bots in an instant, if I could.. ;_; 

    And see!? Kenixman likes the game still aswell, there are others! :P

  • leal123456leal123456 Posts: 86Approved Member Beginner
    Well guys can you come and try Dekaron prime action 6?  U can farm ur way up very well w/o charging any money , its proper functioning its very cool tbh for those who want to feel the drill of dekaron itself . I'd recommend it 100%
  • kooncoonkooncoon Posts: 2Member Beginner
    tinyurl , com/zxcvb9899

    Action 6 Dekaron was so much better than the garbage that we have right now
  • kooncoonkooncoon Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Action 6 Dekaron > Anything after A7, it's just so bad right now the system is just mindless grinding and shit.
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