transfer company to different city?

WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
I'm thinking of transferring my company from Calicut to a closer city such as marseille or lisbon. Any down sides to transferring the company?
May the winds blow you well


  • VictoriasSecretVictoriasSecret Posts: 78Member Beginner
    You might lose access to inexpensive customer service reps.
  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    If you have a company house you will loose it.

    You then will have to compete with the local companies and win to get it back.
  • HuseyinGaziHuseyinGazi Posts: 158Member Trainee
    If you decide to re-establish your company location then you will face the following consequences:

    1) Every item you've deposited in company shop or company shared box (this one not 100 % confirmed) will be gone. Therefore, make sure to let your members know beforehand so they can withdraw them in time.
    2) As carla stated, you will lose your company house by performing this action. Moreover, your company performance will be deducted and as far as I know you lose about three rank of your company.
    3) If you were rank 7 or higher and you owned the special company recipe of it... that one will be gone as well. For Calicut case... if you would've part 3, that one will be gone.

    There is fortunate no other restriction like flag etc. to move your company to a different settlement. Just make sure you've everything prepared to face these penalties.

    I hope this helps you out ^^

    Kind Regards,

    IGN: [CA]Huseyin_Gazi
    Dedicated Adventurer and Maritimer
    Other toon: Disi_Aslan (trader, production, R20 SB'er and Director of OA)
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    One to catch: You must be belong to Nation if you plan to transfer to one of 6 Starters or Istanbul. I think Alexandria too.However, you can transfer leadership to one of your members or alts then s/he can move company there for you.
  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    Tbh, your company should stay in Calicut since there's no competition because you can use search features to buy stuffs at company shop regardless of court rank since your company is guaranteed to be in top 5 every months.

    If you move to (say) Seville, you'd have to face big time competition against other companies for top 5-10 and company house too. Then you won't able to use search features unless your company members or you are at 5th knight or higher.
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