[BS-GLB Community Feedback] Competitive Beta Season 4 & BlackShot Revolution Update

Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,
We just released the Competitive Beta Season 4 update that not only brings the start of the final Competitive Beta Season but also brings a preview of the upcoming BlackShot Revolution major update!
Check the link below for the full details of the latest update:
Competitive Beta Season 4 & BlackShot Revolution Update
We just released the Competitive Beta Season 4 update that not only brings the start of the final Competitive Beta Season but also brings a preview of the upcoming BlackShot Revolution major update!
Check the link below for the full details of the latest update:
Competitive Beta Season 4 & BlackShot Revolution Update
(click for more info)
Your feedback is now more important than ever and we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the link above and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic.
Please take under consideration that the BlackShot Revolution update is just a preview and we will continue to share more info with all details during this.
Your feedback is now more important than ever and we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the link above and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic.
Please take under consideration that the BlackShot Revolution update is just a preview and we will continue to share more info with all details during this.
Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!
Team BlackShot
This discussion has been closed.
Lutando por um blackshot justo e limpo.
beginning: dezembro/2008
There is a huge controversy in what you're saying, first you're stating that you're an old beta player that have been playing the game for years and years, then you wrote:
"Rights now there are people with op struggling against bp what do u think will happen if they also have to play bp?"
Are you serious? You just disagreed with the main idea and principle of a balanced game, in which people who "DESERVE" to win due to their experience and gaming skills should win. But no, you're saying that those who paid more should continue to win which is what "pay-to-win" stands for.
Plus i don't even see OP players losing or even struggling to BP ones, i don't know what game you're playing, but it's not Blackshot because right now, BP players are the ones getting rekt, no matter how skillful they are. I, myself, have been playing this game for years, i don't use any char or broken weapons, all the way from the 1 shot MSR through the no recoil Rifles and SMGs to the T1 OP grenade, and my favorite weapon remains the AK47 Gold, with which i do struggle more than you can think to kill those OP lords with the above mentioned gears and i still fail against most, and believe me it's not because i'm a bad player, it's because they decided to take an advantage of those broken weapons to get their win.
Every time i talk to one of those OP players and ask them where the fun is when using all these gears and how noob-ish it is to use them, they all answer the same "It's not our fault, we didn't make these weapons and put them in the shop". So please, it's just time to end that bullsh**!
How can you call yourself an old dedicated player and you state that new noob players should be able to win old experienced ones just because they paid for it?!
And about your inventory, no one said it will be deleted and all gone in the wind, they specifically said that it will be "TURNED" into gold with which you will be able to re-acquire the weapons that you want (But hopefully balanced), because if they don't do that, it's pointless to call it "Re-balanced".
I can totally relate to your fears because i too have a storage full of some really old and amazing weapons that I've been saving, but we can't really say anything against that until we see how they gonna replace all these weapons and gears with proper gold enough to re-acquire the same valued (In terms of duration and expense) weapons all over again.
But thank you for agreeing that this is a very good idea and that the game does need that re-balance
Now i can write my own feedback:
In general, this is by far, the most important update for the future of Blackshot, and it all lies in that hands of the developers/product managers, because if it's done right, this game will have an amazing future, but at the same time, 1 small mistake in one of the major points (Listed below) will bring it down to the ground.
Weapon Rebalance
A very critical term, that this game has been suffering and struggling with since the release. For this update to actually work, this is the top of the list on most important and major factors which you MUST get 100% right!
You're about to wipe the whole server (Clients' storage) and all in the name of "re-balance", so if you treat this with any greed or fu** up with any single weapon, you will get the rage of all the community, not the just the current one, but include the old players that are coming back for this and the new ones that will try the game out after the advertisements that you will do (I hope you do).
If you really want the best results for this weapon re-balance, allow old experienced GMs/DSHs and old experienced players on the forum to actually give you tips on what's wrong and how to perfect it, because no one knows the quality of any product more than the customers, not even the developers.
I'm sure GMs and DSHs by now have already started giving their feedback and recommendations for this re-balance, and for the sake of this game to live, please listen to them..
I, myself, will make a forum post later on in which i will list most of the weapons that i see require a re-balance with specific adjustments, and i hope everyone else will share their experience with me and most importantly, i just hope that you will actually listen and follow.
Storage wipe-out
A very risky yet important move for this update to pay off. The reason it's important, because i don't think devs will be able to re-balance every and each single weapon ever released on both versions of the game, but instead, a group/bunch of weapons in each category will be released after the re-balance and the rest will be removed till they're worked on and re-balanced as well, and if that's true, that means that some of the weapons that are currently in users' storage will be removed (Those which will be re-balanced later) and compensated/turned into the equivalent amount of gold which is risky but still a must.
I have to mention how important it is to put extra effort in the compensation process because as you have seen by now, not everyone is happy about this move. So, please put in mind not just the duration of the weapons in the storage, but also the value/money of each which users had to pay to acquire those weapons and gears.
By that i mean, if i have a CG805 BREN Tuning and an AK47 Black, both for 30 days, then the amount of gold i would receive from both weapons shouldn't be the same, because AK47 Black is currently 660 BSC and the BREN tuning is 899 BSC. You get the point..
Special Characters
This is one of the most important points in the re-balance section. Though you mentioned that gems will be used to acquire "only cosmetic" items, i do hope you meant by that, that special characters will be only cosmetic and only obtainable via gems, because if you don't do that, the whole update is worthless because you know how vital this subject is to the community.
We've trusted you so many times in the past, but you failed us in so many ways, please make this right to have a spark of light among all the black pages you've written..
Thank you for reading this, i know you're probably tired of reading by now (That's if you even read the whole thing :D)
Kind regards,