Newbie needs help

PatHollowayPatHolloway Posts: 2Member Beginner
I am trying to complete the first adventure university course.  I am in the church in Seville.  I am facing the wall to the right of the book stand.  I have used the Perception and I still can't find "The Travels of Marco Polo".
Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?  Where is that darn book?  Thank you for helping.


  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    move around some, it's there somewhere against the wall to the right of the book stand (when facing toward the bookstand). it may take many attempts.
    May the winds blow you well
  • anothersideanotherside Posts: 9Member Beginner
    hmm perception is actually "observe" skill not search skill. it will tell you the location but you need to use search on the highlighted location to find the item. The search skill replacement item should be something like dowsing rod.

    uwo/dota2 player
  • crazyhunter2003crazyhunter2003 Posts: 763Member Intermediate
    you are in the wrong location.the travels of marco polo are in the Lisbon church,not Seville
  • PatHollowayPatHolloway Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Thank you very much.  Found it with the dowsing rod.
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    For any newbie having trouble do not be shy asking for help in chat. Most people will give you info or advice that will help you (you will have to bare sarcastic responses).
    Also Google uncharted waters and you will get many great sites like wiki and ivyro that will help you with info and guides in almost every aspect of the game.
  • calicaddy46calicaddy46 Posts: 123Member Trainee
    There's actually many versions of this quest for different nations. A certain nation players can only get the quest from their capital, then the quest will send the players to the final search location which will be different for each nation.
  • KlandestineKlandestine Posts: 20Member Beginner
    I would also recommend acquiring the search and recognition skills when you can,  They are essential if you plan to get seriously into adventuring. There are items you can use in lieu of them but eventually you'll need higher ranks of those skills to make certain discoveries.  As for observe, it's a handy skill to have but it only has one rank of expertise so you can pick it up or drop it when you need to without having to rank it up again.  Or you can use the skill slot for something else and keep a stack of "Perception of the Artisan" handy.  They stack up to 200 iirc  and can be picked up at any number of item shops.  I always keep a supply in the bank since my skill slots are nearly always occupied with other skills..
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro" -Hunter S. Thompson

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