ID Banned

rolandsrolands Posts: 1Member Beginner
OMG! What's wrong ,GM?! I have complained about the problem of 'Abnormal Action' yesterday.And now banned my Acc?! 2:07 p.m. my acc banned and get back in 6*****days , I just wanted to ask you, am i using any hacks , what are you doing with acc ?huh?! Please , GM please answer me what had happened ? Give me an answer please! I'm surely never use hack and the important thing is the cash weapons inside.! If this problem couldn't solve or i will share this to youtube as a evidence.


  • AFUBARGameMastersAFUBARGameMasters Posts: 127Member Master

    We have detected that your account has been traced with hacktool usage. Please understand any form of attempt to hack or using of hacks whatsoever will lead to permanent ban. Unfortunately, accounts that have been perm banned due to hacking, will not be able to have their account returned regardless. If you feel that you did not use any form of hacks do inform us in our support ticket:

    If you indeed use hack and knowingly and willingly to test water, please do not do it again. You are free to create a new account if you wish continue playing but please ensure you delete all form of hacktools that you have installed before you can join our servers again Thank you.

  • jhubert1233jhubert1233 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    OMG!! GM why abnormal ban my account GM please help how to unban im not hacker GM 
    it was just shocking my account is ban abnormal PLEASE GM how to fix account unban
    the amount of money I spent please GM help me
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