Maritime Profit - BH vs Piracy

demonwrathdemonwrath Posts: 10Member Beginner
Do Bounty Hunters or Pirates actually make good money compared to all the other activities in the game?

Bounty Hunters - How much gold do you make each time you sink a Pirate? Is it hard to actually catch a Pirate since the very few that are on the sea will just run away? (And the rest just hangs out in Seville)

Pirates - How do you make gold when there are always 2 to 5 Bounty Hunters (Most likely Hidden in Private Mode) actively patrolling and hunting you in almost every sea tile? Especially when most Traders/Adventurers have a Blue Flag, Tribute or are under level 30.


  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    Neither make any money at all. It will cost you money to be honest. It's done for the fun.
  • calicaddy46calicaddy46 Posts: 123Member Trainee
    I don't think maritime and profit can be grouped in a same sentence.
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    You can make money with maritime just require ingenuity now if that ingenuity is not fun or not in your "code" then no. 

    Some pirates disagree with me here but most pirates believe pirates must just cruise around looking for kills...I believe that's the inefficient way to do it I think the smart way is to do money making and kill on the way. Build ships or sail to make ship FS parts and FS sails while hunting for prey...sail to the carribbean make some Large Latin sails make a LMS or 2 while stalking the area and the best part it doesn't take up cargo so you can make that stuff while you hunt trader cargo this is the SMART way to pirate if you rely on just traders cargo you will be BROKE!

    You could also camp sakai and just hit traders coming out and just bazaar the stuff there for like 40 to 50% of total value this is usually the go to for most. Another creative way is have your company sell pirate immunity if you're in a large pirate company who regularly camps an area why not sell 1 week immunity for 150mil way cheaper than a flag for 7 days and would allow passage in lawless water and more fun. 

    Bounty hunters...HA if you think pirates have it bad BH have it worse the bounties they collect from pirates are utterly laughable and to make it worse pirates just utilize spotter Alts and the login screen exoloit to hide at login screen until the coast is clear to avoid you I mean you can farm pirates but you ain't getting much.  None the less they can sell nanban protection and also do nanbans 1 BH can take 4 players at 3 mil each to there and back in lawless. So while the BH nanbans they make an extra 12 mil on top of nanban profits not too bad at all and still more fun. In addition they can also ship build while they hunt or rare plunder. Again if you don't like being ingenious you won't make money just huntin pirates 

    Any maritime can farm battle reports for cash or do rare plunders of HASC or books or SSB or Peg Wings etc. good money there ask for the help of WSP he will tell you all about it.

    Basically think outside the box focus on efficiency and not box yourself into doing just 1 thing or get caught in the trap of what a "real pirate" is "supposed" to do and you'll make cash in maritime.   
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    @cpc I am guessing he meant can you make money pirating. Not can you make money doing other stuff while your name is red.

    And pirating make very little, BHing is way way worse.
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