SHIT Crafting success

am i the only one that at lvl 20 tailoring Refine with all items and oxford skills etc... make 17 out of 70 try of making Sail


  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    It's unclear what task you are attempting. What sails/ recipe are you making/ using? Give us some more detail.

    But congrats on refining sewing skill - I hate the sewing grind.
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate

    Some things you need to know about crafting

    1. Rank does NOT influence great success
    2. Refine does NOT influence great success just doesn't use materials when it happens
    3. The Oxfords DO influence great success  rate
    4. Recipes all have varying success rates for example turning wheat into flour has a very high chance of great success vs fools hands which has a lower chance of great success 
    5. Magician tarot when activated and lit up increased great success rate
    6. Ships skill like workshop at sea increases great success rate
    7. Meister title increase great success rate on land 

    With all that said in my experience overall with most crafting and all buffs the rate of success is roughly 1/3 of your crafts will be great success so out of 70 about 21 is the average're slightly lower at 17 but not by much...seems normal to me 
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