8G RLS(KOR) vs 6G SLS(MARIS), Which ship is faster?
Posts: 36Member Beginner
Hello everyone, It's Beomi(IGN). Long time no see :)
I wrote "Clermont Magic" for the first time in this Papaya Forum 4 months ago and tried to change the nick from Nolah2017 to Beomi2018. I wanted to match my IGN and Papaya nick. But I have several problems which can't be fixed until now. So I decided to write as Nolah 2017.
Anyway, have you finished post-modding? I saw "Most improvements so far" in this Forum and found someone modded 46/8 and 51/8 LOG ship. Is it possible number of improvements? Amazing!
I have already introduced 6G 30/6 RLS and 8G 30/9 RNG(Royal Neapolitan Galleass) of Korean UWO server in Face Book before. And I also showed FS ships(which applied to over-modding. LC/CHC/WJ) right before the Prince of Order Chapter updates(of course they are Korean UWO ships.)
So some of you who have FB account might see them. The reason is that PP page is difficult to post some images. This Forum requires URL address(it seems complicated to me) and I was not able to edit the writing once I uploaded it. (:<)
To check whether my screen shot images are uploaded or not, I used my earlier post of "Clermont Magic", so old writing was floating at the top of this general discussion, feel sorry for that. But Clermont posting is partially related to my this post. So would you understand?
In this writing, I would like to give you some information about ship speed and advertisement of Foxy Trixy(a kind of chatting bot in discord). Foxy Trixy will be next post.
If some of you who have already read my writings in this forum or in FB, you would know that I'm Korean(from South). :) After "Order of the Prince"update, Many Korean players in this server also finished post-improvements. Among other them, I collected 2 SLS, LS(the ship images and sailing maps which contain voyage days). These kind of Long Schooners are famous for the ships which are strong against head wind, so the speed of these ships is well known to everybody!
And I also want to show you Korean 8G RLS ship with full setting(SSUP 123 ship is normal in this Maris server, but it is very rare in Korean server!) Because SLS has not released yet in Korean server, RLS is the top tier ship.
Most Korean players used to test the speed of their ships when they want to know about performance. Especially they checked the time of their leading ship through sailing from Lisbon to Ambon. (Lisbon is the central city in Korean UWO server! Ranking No.1 nation? Spain!! I was so shocked for the first time when I came here in Maris server. Due to empty Lisbon and the fact that No.1 nation is not Spain. lol)
Before I show you the screen shot, I'd like to give you this info. There are some differences between Maris server and Korean server with respect to Equipment, Studding sail, Armour etc.
- Maris server : (32/32/-1) sail, VW(16%), DividerEX(10%) item does exist, but not used well.
- Korean server : (34/34/-1) sail, Weathered Cedar PlatingEX(armour +20 x 3= 60).
have VW or WW. 8G ship can be made. Top-tier: 8G RLS.(Surely there are
also other highend ships, but I want to focus on Long Schooners)
Some of you wonder Wheathered Cedar Plating EX item. Originally the Cedar Plating is +2 armour, but in Korean server, you can raise armour from +2 to +20 through alchemy and real money. It is Cash item and traded the price of 15b ducats per one, 3 items become one set. So total price is about 45b ducats. Similar price of SLS right? lol As far as I know, this kind of heavy armour doesn't exist in this Mari server.
From now on, shall we look at the screen shot below considering these differences?
1. Korean RLS
(8G/ SSUP 123/ very rare ship!! by Korean UWO player Terabit)
Of course all waters were charted. It took 22 min 58 sec. winter sailing.
(Can you recognize the number in circles? Those numbers indicates sailing days!!) This ship may be the top status and one of the fastest ships in Korean server.
2. SLS in Maris Server (6G, Sail/TS/WR max by Maru)
Look at the Ship performance. This figure is the best setting which you can equip in this Mari server. It took 21 min 57~58 sec. from Lisbon to Ambon. It arrived Lisbon within 24 minutes from Run. also winter sailing.
Let me explain this thing. All Korean players use Clermont swaping for acceleration when they sail out to sea. and Steam engine is also used.
3. LS(FS ship, 6G, Sail/TS/WR/Cab/Cannon full max by Kid-O)
This is FS ship. After Post-modding era, FS ships survived because we can make all bars full green status regardless of the number of modding limit. It took 27 min 30 sec. Even this player didn't use wind-god pendant(50% speed up). Long Schooner is painted with Noc panel. Looks great!!
4. SLS(6G all max green except for armour and hold
by LadyGaka)
I want to show you this ship even though this SLS doesn't have sailing map. Since the ownder of this ship didn't participate in the sailing experiment. lol But look at this ship. Swedish military panel makes the ship unique. If I were Beomi in the game, I would drink a beer with my sailors on the deck and look up the stars in the night sky. (hehe. Many Korean adults drink "SoJu" rather than beer. But beer is also popular :) Even if I am a Korean, I don't enjoy Soju. The alcohol degree is from 15% to 25%. It's high to me XD.
em.....In Korean culture, many adults have worked for a looooooong time comparing with westerners. ( I toured Europe just for a week 5 years ago, at that time I was so surprised because all lights were off at 9 or 10PM. Empty road, quite alley... In Korea, that time is like evening lol. All lights are on and many people are walking on the street.) Because they have to work late at night, they used to drink Soju(or beer etc.) to relieve the stress.
Nowadays this kind of culture is changing gradually to take a trip or enjoy leisure. Most Korean people dream of "Life with evening(which means after working, they want to have enough time with their family)", "Work and Life Balance: WoLaBal", "Little but Certain Happiness(LCH)" (this term and concept is originated from Japanese writer Murakami Haruki) these days.
Playing UWO is one of my LCHs. hehe What is yours?
( I saw that somebody told "the culture of drinking alcohol is developed extremely in Asian area" in "All"channles of World Chat in this game. So I wanted to say something. lol. Too serious! isn't it? XD)
Enjoy all Long Schooners plz!!
Thank you for reading. :)