Weapon balance VOTING is online!!

EliteAiForcesEliteAiForces Posts: 46Member Beginner
When you join the game and see server list, click on right side on the (We want to hear from you!) which opens up vote about balancing some weapons!

Now is the time to get AW50F finally nerfed!! No more one shot instant kill!

Go vote now!!


  • NephiliM82NephiliM82 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    can you give me the link here mate? deleted the game...
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    That will be, like the senseless removal of the big head mode, be another lesson for Papaya to learn.
    Solve those issues that are the problem not those who are caused by other problems.

    Why did i turn to the AW50: I used the AIAW, loved Bandar and figured out there are 2 key "problems" to overcome.
    1. Enemy snipers which were best to be countered by playing a sniper.
    2. Enemy vehicles which were best to be dealt with by playing heavy trooper.
    But unless you were one of those lucky enough to own the m249 as a heavy you were pretty much lost playing this class since it had almost no offensive capabilities. Thus the AW50 was the best way to fight either snipers or vehicles.
    Thus the real problem were useless weapons for the heavy troopers (3 mines to blow up a tank, at least 2 never hitting aa-missiles per aircraft, multiple rpg rounds per vehicle) combined with a puny mp5k for close combat, massivly op vehicles / aircraft which could take incredible amounts of damage while for example reloading their bomb- or rocket payload in flight.

    Nerfing the AW50 is fine but only if those aa- and at-weapons get a massive boost while idiotic features like in flight rearming and using repair stations in enemy bases are removed. Unless this happens nerfing the AW50 will do nothing but making even more players quit the game.
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    Gugu Nephimaus =)
    Du bist auch raus? Haste ne neue Liebe gefunden? Ich fahr jetzt Bötchen. :)
  • NephiliM82NephiliM82 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    ja, du hast mich ja jahrelang in diese richtung hin manipuliert. ein glück hat mir marie-johanna da jetzt endlich im deutschen forum die augen geöffnet! :)

    bötchen? so richtig schön übern gardasee oder reicht es doch nur für world of warships?

    ich hab mir schon vor ca 2 monaten nen zeitgemäßen laptop besorgt und aktuell genieße ich die volle grafikwucht in gothic 1 und 2 :^) und wenn mich die lust nach großen schlachten doch wieder packt spiel ich büssl planetside 2
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    Reicht nur für letzteres. :( Hatte zwar tolle Pläne für nen Pott mit dem ich den Gardasee erobern wollte, aber selbige hat die österreichische Werft nach dem Verlust der Küstengebiete im Balkan irgendwie verbummelt. Und ohne meine SMS Nuffi bin ich ja dann doch nur einer von vielen auf diesem norditalienischen Durchschnittstümpel.

    1 & 2 waren noch die Teile in denen das sogenannte Konzept wichtiger war und man noch nicht auf die Idee kam, dass ne tolle Graphik alles andere entschuldigt, oder? Habe da noch ein paar dunkle, unschöne Erinnerungen an ne gewaltige Enttäuschung in der Gothic-Reihe. Sonst kann ich das aber total nachvollziehen. Ich ergötze mich gerade nebenbei an der Graphikwucht von Fallout 2 inkl eines echt schicken Erweiterungsmods.

    In the past everything was better. Just like here in Warrock. Later, after too many players had left, only those stayed who think that removing anything they do not like is the only way to improve the game instead of thinking of a bigger solution fixing the causes instead  of the symptoms.
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    Scheiss die Wand an. Das von Marianne hatte ich ja noch gar nicht gesehen. :( Wusste gar nicht, dass ich sooooooo ein schlechter Mensch bin. :( Ich glaube wir sollten eine Selbsthilfegruppe "hope & bullets" gründen und einen Ratgeber verfassen. "Gemeinsam gegen Mobber mit Kugeln - Ein Ratgeber für Spaß beim Ballern in einer Welt mit Nuffi"
  • butlipan420butlipan420 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Its true,when aw50f be balanced, some part of the people will leave the game, me too because i play this weapon every day 
  • butlipan420butlipan420 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Btw aw50f not always kill at the first shoot, sometimes u have to shot three times when you hit in hands or legs
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    For me even on head need 2-3 on bodz 4-5 so i never snipe :)
  • KillingtimeKillingtime Posts: 246Member Trainee
    @Nuffiii Luckily they have already implemented/are implementing the BG balance changes from Korean WR which includes a lot of AA improvements etc. so it should be fine to nerf AW50F now, they just have to keep monitoring BG and balance it more if it seems that air vehicles are still too strong.

    Also about the poll, balance should be looked as a whole and not just 1 weapon at a time, but I guess its not a bad way to balance the most OP weapons first and then go from there, so here are my suggestions about those 3 weapons:

    1.AW50F=Accuracy down by 15%, BG is more popular game mode in Korean WR than CQC, one of the reason in my opinion based in playing there is because the 1 shot snipers only have 80% accuracy there so ground troopers have change to move around the map without being easily sniped by 95-100% accurate 1 shot snipers.

    So that's why I think 80% is the perfect amount of accuracy for 1 shot snipers like AW50F and PSG, maybe for weapons like Barrett etc. it can be slightly more because of the limitations, I believe Barrett has 85% accuracy in KWR and it seems good.

    2.Famas=Recoil up by 9% (or even more) It has same stats in KWR/Japan/PHWR as in Global now but 9% more Recoil, it seems fine but maybe even little bit more recoil would be good, I say start by adding 9% recoil.

    3.P90=Accuracy down by 10% or so should be a good start and go from there.

    I haven't seen much hope for this game lately but talking about AW50F balancing made me login to the forums again and make a few posts, so that says something about how important the AW50F nerf is, personally going to give BG a shot again if it gets (properly) nerfed.

  • KillingtimeKillingtime Posts: 246Member Trainee
    Oh and forgot to say that AW50F and some other snipers weight should be better reflected to how they are IRL, like AW50F has 20 or 25 weight in game while barrett has 40-50 but in IRL barret is 13.6kg while AW50f is 15kg so it makes zero sense. So something like 35 weight for barret and 38 for AW50F would make more sense.
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    IRL? Please leave IRL out of this. Otherwise all guns would have to be redone.

    Running with an assault rifle / machine gun etc while spraying bullets until the clip is empty would result in tons of "holes in the air" while scoring nothing.
    Submachine guns are not for no reason weapons that get used only at close or even closest range because their lack of accuracy at full-auto-mode can be ignored when you fill a hallway or something like that with a hail of lead.
    Pistols are close combat only weapons and only the most expert shooters will hit a moving target at a few meters distance while moving themselves while a standing shooter still most likely will not hit anything when the moving target is above 20m away.
    Shooting a rpg while moving will in most cases result in a nice detonation somewhere else but not upon the target.
    Jumping up and down or moving from prone to standing and firing a weapon at the same time is 100% impossible.
    Running around a corner will never lead to you pointing the gun even into anything but close to the waiting enemie's direction before he, the waiting one, has filled the formerly empty space where you are now with tons of bullets.

    Aircraft do not survive a single aa-rocket hit while still being 100% combat ready. Jumping out of an airplane 20m above the ground will never end up in soldier ready for battle due to not having machine guns in cockpits and of course bombs / rockets do not reload in flight. A fighter jet and bomber does not stay aloft when it moves with 100km/h or even slower in 10m altitude (and of course does not survive the blast of the 250kg bombs right below it).

    Lightly armored vehicles do not survive an at-mine hit while still being 100% operational. Heavy armored vehicles might survive the hit but their tracks will not and a torn track can not be fixed by waving around with a pipe wrench for 2 seconds. Entering or exiting a battle tank takes far longer than 1 second at least if you want to get it "ready for action". And of course noone will leave a tank struck by a javelin missile to "do the wrench dance" because 1 direct hit of a missile like that is deadly. Neither tanks nor other vehicles are operated by a single person flipping around between different battle stations.
    Tanks are never the no1 choice weapon system when fighting in tight places like streets or between buildings since they can be taken out to easy.

    The list is long and i mentioned only the most idiotic ones.

    So please do not think that nerfing the sniper rifle will balance the BG mode when the true problem are stupidly designed vehicles on the ground and in the air.

    People turn to play sniper since facing a vehicle / aircraft at close range will in 95% of the cases result in a dead defender and a "repaired after 5 secs"-vehicle. Thus staying somewhere far away grows the chances to be something else than tank gun fodder. Have you ever asked yourself why for example on ohara attackers never approach base 4 through the "official" ways? Certainly not because of the snipers since they can be dealt with. But a tank sitting at the repairstation while killing with a single near miss is to much to deal with when you need to fire at least 3 rpg rounds.

    And even after some guns got redone: A f2p heavy trooper still has no chance to survive a 1on1 meeting with a tank unless he, due to knowledge of the game, has placed his mines on the right spot. And he still has almost no chance to survive a 1on1 meeting with any other class or a premium equiped heavy trooper.

    First turn each class into something useful. Turn them into experts.

    Engineers should be redone into pilots being the only class to use and repair vehicles and aircraft. Repair jobs and replenishment should only be possible at those stations owned by your team and if you are a pilot / engineer. Of course they only field minor guns since there is no place for a full grown machine gun in a cockpit. Why because it is not needed since the plane is intended to leave the danger zone if it got damaged. And a shot down pilot will never start a one man army rampage. 

    Medics should, like for example mrterror said so often, be the only ones being able to treat wounds. With of course massive bonuses for each taken care of team mate. Each medic should know that treating one team mate brings them much more exp than being an egoist. Maybe give an aditional bonus for being killed while helping a team member.

    Turn assault troopers in what they should be. Those who capute bases and directly fight the enemy. Right now you hardly see any assaults on BG because medics got equal fire power plus they can heal themself, heavy troopers too field a powerful machine gun plus grenade launchers superior to hand grenades plus a (if being premium or well equpied) decent anti vehicle punch. So turn assaults into the class that earns most exp by taking bases.

    Equip heavy troopers with well working and useful weapons to deal with any vehicle coming to close or staying in the area. Right now they are heavy assault troopers adding a certain at / aa-capability to a powerful man stopping punch.

    Nerfing the AW50 while keeping the other classes as useless as they are will not change anything. It will only chase even more players away from the game since the massive use of the sniper class and the AW50 is the result and not the cause of the problem.
  • NuffiiiNuffiii Posts: 202Member Trainee
    BG and finally WR will never have their comebacks when so many players signal them that a few minor weapon- / item make-overs are enough and a good job. BG has much bigger problems than the AW50.
  • goodpinky2017goodpinky2017 Posts: 13Member Beginner
    Hello Guy's:) I've been playing this game an awful long time. And it's not the weapons that spoil this beautiful game, it's the players:( unfortunately that's a sad fact from personal observation over the many years. There's nothing like playing a game where people are cheating and you are playing fair... It's soul destroying, and potentially financially as well for the game with people leaving.
    I believe if they fixed the matrix of the game then we would have something that we've never had, a level playing field:)
    from my understanding this games origins are from Korea, so there was never any need to build any special security things into the matrix of the game. Why? Because I'd imagine the penalty for cheating in Korea could be quite severe! Fix the game not, the weapons it's equal opportunity with those:)
  • Agent00FUAgent00FU Posts: 7Member Beginner
    I paid a solid 25 bucks for a permanent AW50 back when they were 100% accuracy, 100% damage. Was that OP? Yes. Did I pay alot of money for a single gun to be that OP? Yes, I did.

    To see it nerfed the way that it is bugged me, because now I actually don't use it nearly as much. If it's efficacy is further reduced, I would like to see (part of) my money refunded since it is no longer the product I purchased.
  • NephiliM82NephiliM82 Posts: 48Member Beginner
    you might should really read the companies ToS and not just click on "yeah, i have read them"

    you wont get refunded mate
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