[BS-GLB Community Feedback] CS 2.3.2 Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
edited September 2018 Feedback & Suggestions

Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

Today we've released the small CS 2.3.2 
update on which we not only applied several changes and added new items to the Gachaboxes but also introduced the Event OKTOBERFEST BOOST to celebrate the upcoming Oktoberfest.

You can check all details on the following links:

- CS 2.3.2 Patch Notes

- Oktoberfest Boost

As usual, we would appreciate if you could check all the update info above and later share with all of us not only your feedback but also your improvement suggestions on this topic.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the new update!

Team BlackShot


  • KAOLOkidKAOLOkid Posts: 10Member Beginner
    Please communicate that there is a problem with snipers in the game now. The bolt action snipers are supposed to kill with one hit in the chest and head, but its too hard to kill someone in the chest because their hands are in front of it when they face you. You usually hit them in the arms/hands like this, and because every other weapon is so strong its really hard to make the sniper effective. They will take 80 damage but you will be dead. 

    For me, the sniper is the only way as a clean player to compete with the macro players. I don't mind if it doesn't kill in the lower body, but the hitbox needs to be adjusted so that when the characters hands is in front of the chest, it needs to count as the chest area and kill with one hit. Until this is changed I don't have motivation to play the game. I hope everyone has fun and may the best macro user win for now.
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