England storyline chapter 17...

BengenBengen Posts: 1Member Beginner
I'm currently on Eng.chap.17 where I have to sail to Luanda and according to the wikia I have to fight a Spanish fleet, but for some reason I'm not getting attacked. I've tried sailing around that area with no luck. Also, none of the characters show up when I enter Luanda.
 Did I miss something? Any help or knowledge of common mistakes would be appreciated.


  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    I had a think about this. I only vaguely remember that chapter. I haven't done the event history this time around. I seem to recall the meeting with the other characters was in a hut in the village.

    Otherwise I can only suggest checking you chapter record against the wiki to see if there is a discrepancy.
  • WhitejacketWhitejacket Posts: 87Member Beginner
    Hi Bengen,

    My future pirate toon is actually on this chapter as well. Sail out from Luanda slowly and straight, you should see a ship nearby. Click on it.

    Before (or maybe after?) this, there is the npc you need to talk to in Luanda - walk around all of it, he's somewhat in an obscure place but he will be outside somewhere.

    Let me know what happens.
    IGN: Milvio, Caroline, and Nasrin
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