Spain Storyline Chapter 22 - Cannot find Diego in Lisbon
Posts: 2Member Beginner
Betting on their old friendship, Irene drafted a letter to Diego, requesting his assistance in matter. Benedettini took the letter from Irene and headed to meet with Diego.
Diego was supposed to be in Lisbon Tavern, but there isn't. Irene had told so. Can u confirm please?
You can follow along here Spain storyline
Betting on their old friendship, Irene drafted a letter to Diego, requesting his assistance in the matter. Player took the letter from Irene and headed to meet with Diego.
Upon receiving the letter, Diego was angry with the Duke of Alba's methods, but declined Irene's request for help.
Left with no other choice, Player prepared to leave the Company House, until being stopped by Diego.
Player held hope that Diego had changed his mind about
helping Baltazar. However, all he asked was that a bottle of wine be
given to Baltazar the next time they met.
There is nothing triggering the questline in Lisbon... Can't find Diego anywhere!
Go to Sarmiento House in Lisbon