GO VOTE TODAY! YES it's UWO related

CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
Listen I don't ask for much all I ask that you go out and vote today

Take some time away from grinding your maritime getting your discoveries spamming Nanban pirating whatever

Before the trolls go and say all this isn't related to UWO I just would like to say it is very much related because there is something called net neutrality law which was repealed and what this law does is allow for Internet providers to throttle your traffic based upon what you pay or dont pay.  With that said if you say don't pay certain amount or pay for a certain internet package they can potentially slow down your gaming connection which is a BIG deal. By getting the right people in office you can vote to stop it or at the very least get it repealed or ammended.

I'm not gonna get into who or why you should vote for whomever you already know my political affiliation but go vote we need you more than ever right now vote its literally THAT critical.

It's very easy go to www.vote.org check if you're registered and then check where do you have to go to vote. If you're not registered no biggie click the link to register and search for your polling station based on the address show up and vote it took me 15 minutes. It's easy

Thank UWO community 

Save NET Neutrality!


  • BAMBAZONKEBAMBAZONKE Posts: 11Member Beginner
    For a country with one more political party than North Korea they certainly do make a big deal about voting and 'Democracy'
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    lucky america dont have senile 93 years old prime minister like in malaysia... 
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    Not how the net neutrality act worked at all. Had zero affect on individuals. And was only in effect for less than 2 years.
    It only affects ISPs and the rates they pay to get bandwidth for corporations.
    So unless your ISP was throttling your connection 2 years ago, there is no chance it will have any affect without the act in place except that you will pay less for your connection without it.
    It's really a good idea to know what you are voting for or against and not just listen to hype.
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate

    That is absolutely unequivocally FALSE

    Here is a link to MANY instances of it affecting customers by them blocking and throttling services and features it was NOT just limited to what the ISP are charging for bandwidth. Some abuses were due to political stances some for giving an edge to partners and some for services they feel are too bandwidth intensive or just wanted more $. These abuses extend even to the early 2000's

    But let's just take an example...Netflix who will now be charged more to access higher speeds for their streaming services hmmm who do you think Netflix will charge more to offset the higher cost??? The answer is US and then they'll justify the change in pricing due to increased cost of operation.

    Net Neutrality blocks all of the potential for all those abuses and anyone who is in support of it is either a corporate shill or a partisan hack. 

    83% of Americans currently are in support of Net Neutrality and for good reason Nobody wants an ISP coming to game companies ie. papaya play saying hey we will slow you down unless you pay for our fast track plan then PP says sorry gamers we're raising the price of our papaya play coin to offset this higher cost OR PP saying we can't afford that F it just keep the speeds throttled...

  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    Can I vote?

    What kind of idiots choose not to vote?

    You mean you could get away with not voting without attracting fine? How strange?!

    Is this even a democracy country?

    What if your boss asks you to work a 24 hour shift with triple rate but require you have no access to phone or internet? Can you still vote?

    Can your boss threaten you with job loss if you go out and vote?
  • KatanauwoKatanauwo Posts: 309Member Intermediate
    If you must vote, please vote GOP and Trump. He is a good guy, and he will make America great again.

    He promised it and he is doing exactly that by exercising US political muscle on the very other countries.

    Given the choice and benefits, he will not be hesitated to starting a war to crush US enemies.

    The country is suffering enough from democratic bs, and it is time to brace a hero. :)
  • VictoriasSecretVictoriasSecret Posts: 78Member Beginner
    It seems to come down to trusting either large monopolistic corporations or government. It's a lose/lose. At least power can, in theory, be taken away from corporations. It's much harder to take it away from government.  The long term solution is to eliminate ISP monopolies through better technology. If wireless internet tech becomes as efficient as cable, competition can be introduced, which again in theory, should suppress the desire to price gouge.  I'm more concerned about censorship and deplatforming of dissident political voices in the US by the Silicon Valley Reich. It's time for an internet "bill of rights'
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate

    The problem with what you said is that your proposed solution is "hypothetical" meaning you dont know when or even IF wireless tech will compete with ISP's or if the monopolizing ISP's will be the providers of wireless 5G. More importantly even if tech improves there's nothing to stop them from the throttling blocking hijinks just utilizing the new technologies now.  What you're essentially proposing is to simply wait and get screwed by these unfair practises for years until one day it all just fixes itself its not guaranteed as you said it's all  "in theory". Net Neutrality is big government which is not liked on the right but at the same time...i dont think we should get fronted the bill until or if they " figure it out".

    Surprisingly  I also agree with you about silencing of political views with the exception of ones that incite violence on the internet. I'd be all for a bill of rights I dont like the idea of corporations and ISP's blocking and throttling based on political ideals on the left or right and an Internet bill of rights amendment to the Net Neutrality laws would be ideal.

    I don't know what on earth you're talking about but you said said vote for Trump which I dont agree with BUT the thread was to go vote and whether they vote left or right at least their voice was heard in Net Neutrality.
  • Poopiepants1Poopiepants1 Posts: 62Member Beginner
    Sorry CPC but many of us are not American citizens and hence cannot vote. We are however voting on the name of cpc jr. xD
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