Pirate Nation, stealing of NPC ships, and Pirate Ships

PirateC0dePirateC0de Posts: 13Member Beginner
Hello everyone, I am here to write some of my ideas that seem good, and hope you too, would think so.
"This is an old idea i had."

“Pirate ports”

I was thinking they should add a pirate nation, so when a pirate invest into a town, and flip it, it will make it into a non-ally nation “pirate port”.
Which in turn, help the pirate to reset their 5/5 rule.
I think it is fair because having it in only two areas, “SEA and Caribbean” for reset 5/5 rule equal a great pain for most pirates.
That about it for the pirate port idea.

“NPC ship stealing”

This is for NPC only non-player.
I think if you melee down a ship, you should be allow to steal that ship, “If you got room for a ship.”
“If you have cannon down the ship that mean they are sunk under the water…”
It is so maritime players can have a source of income.
It is so they do not have to do dungeons for their income.
That all I got to say for this, not too sure my ideas are great but it is something.
“I know it will make it seem Ship building would be useless then, but not really, people still need to refit and need to improve the ships.”

“Pirate Ships”

I would like ships that require Pirate note, not levels for Pirate ships.
It can go by normal ships like a barca all the way to Ironside, which will go from 1,000, all the way to 100,000.
Which I think this would be fun so that if you are using these ships your “Pirate note” does not go down, but because your “Pirate note” does not go down; your bounty will stay high “Cash wise”. 
This all I got for Pirate ships, I know I am not best at showing or giving out ideas, but I do hope, that people will like these ideas, so it can be added into the game.


  • PirateC0dePirateC0de Posts: 13Member Beginner
    I know the 5/5 rule i believe got removed, sorry in advance i did not take it out from there. I just copy and paste it from what i had.
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    I like the ideas PC

    For pirate ports maybe make red names get perks like...+10% selling bonus on trade goods maybe higher depending on noto.  Or maybe certain "piracy" version ships ie.special colors, or faster but lower dura or pirate decals on it can be built there. Maybe spoils can be traded there for SWMP. Those ports can have a pirate guild that give pirate missions like sink 10 English ships in 1 hour or attack priority targets in certain waters etc.. Election of pirate kings that give bonuses + 5% speed to pirates, +3 plunder , + 3 rowing ,noto loss lessened in lawless ya know depending on leader elected. 

    Npc ship stealing should def be in game has alway been just make the stolen ships crappy watered down version of player made ships ie. Instead of la Royale the npc version when stolen would be La Middleclass with BS stats still sellable just crappy.

    Personally I think the game is LONG overdue for a pirate nation and it would be cool to fight and compete against them
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    I think the idea of a pirate nation is half-baked.

    1. Pirates can already belong to a nation. They are the privateers.

    2. The whole idea of piracy is that it's committed by violent, outcast sociopaths. That's why they are not privateers - they have already rejected the idea of 'citizenship' by attacking their own nation.

    3. Do you know what you get if you put pirates in charge of a nation? Well it's obvious really. You get politicians. European history is one long catalogue of nations pirating each other; and every other country unfortunate enough to have had something Europeans wanted.

    4. So if you give pirates a new nation, you give them a cohesiveness to act in a warlike way that is not open to the existing 6 nations.

    If pirates want to belong to nations let them be privateers. If that's not enough, let them take over one of the existing nations.

    Finally, 'piracy' has to be one of the most divisive issues in our game. Why would we want anything which encouraged more pirates to sign up to it?
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    I like the idea of pirate ports, I also like the idea of being able to steal ships.
    I always wanted that to be part of UWO, stealing other people their ships
    Not like that's ever gonna happen tho ^^

    Still the idea of stealing NPC their ships is pretty cool. Could possibly make it that your 2nd aide controls that one but you can't access any cargo of it, it just tows behind you till you sell it at a port. (if it helps codewise I'd be fine to be able to sell it on the spot after a battle, but I guess the mechanics are already inplace with the shipwreck system)

    However as @lefox said piracy is a great thing, and it's fun and all however its currently being abused by a lack of game rules by a group of players. So I'm gonna agree that there shouldn't be more pirates either.
  • rangerzfanrangerzfan Posts: 96Member Beginner
    No more piracy buffs. None of them really did anything to bring a significant amount of players to the game. Just a few old pirates with old exploits returned. If being a nation's Privateer is not enough, then who cares anymore. Some of the BS exploits a few pirates are using are harmful to the game in the long run. Access through Steam is coming soon and it would be a shame new players are discouraged by a few using BS exploits. No more piracy buffs.
    ign: RangerB
    DutchCourage - Amsterdam
  • demonwrathdemonwrath Posts: 10Member Beginner
    I like your ideas and CPC ideas for Pirate King elections.

    One thing I wish they would redo tho in regard to Pirates is the gain/lose notoriety mechanics

    For example,
    Pirates don't lose Noto at all while sailing, spending time online and out at sea.
    But time spent AFK at Seville, AFK at green zones or logged out = Lose NOTO

    Their current system of making you lose noto while sailing kind of forces you to log out or stay out of the sea when there is nobody around all the time.. so you don't lose too much noto.
    Doubt that would happen though, but its a dream.

    Would be great to see new pirate towns or faction ports that pirates could claim.. perhaps all ports outside Europe could be turned into a Pirate Faction port where pirates could sail into and have benefits (Cheaper Sailors/Provisions, Free Alcohol at the Tavern, certain Pirate NPCs that only appear in Pirate allied ports, other ideas)

    Non-pirates would maybe have to pay higher taxes from Merchants, Shops, etc.
    In addition, players with Honor(BHers) would have to pay bribes in order to get into Pirate ports.
    And new players (under lvl 30) would be unaffected and it'd be like a normal port to them.

    Stealing NPC ships would be interesting mechanic.
    I could visualize something like that being similar abit to "Shipwreck Hauling" though - where maybe after you kill off the crew of a last NPC ship in melee battle, you can haul it to a Pirate Port and get ducats or materials in exchange for it.
  • peaceneutronpeaceneutron Posts: 4Member Beginner
    I kinda like the idea...with a twist...if a pirate wins a battle, they should get the option to TRADE ships with the player you defeated. On screen message. "You have defeated xyz....trade ships? Yes/No". 
  • carssmancarssman Posts: 70Member Beginner
    Take her a prize!

    Very common practice and I do like the idea of having to haul it back to port before being able to dismantle for LSBP or FS parts or something.

    The better the ship, the better your haul skill better be!

    Love it! Great idea. Would force us maritimers to fight them nasty plunder fleets that operate the super frigates or even the trade fleets near SF that operate the gran fluyt and are impossible to beat!

    There are so many OP NPC fleets in the ocean the I would like to hunt offer no incentive and absolutely ruin my ship parts.

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