What happens with you? Top managers of Blackshot Global
Posts: 1Member Beginner
There are many problems that surround the whole game. (Hay muchos problemas que rodean todo el juego)
Which, in my opinion, is the most important:Terrible service in the Global Server. The latencies are terrible and the games are easily saturated; this causes that many players can not attack other players with their weapons because the bullets do not impact, they do not impact. It has nothing to do with the connection to the Internet, NO, it's the fucking server. (El que, a mi juicio, es el más importante:
Pésimo servicio en el Servidor Global. Las latencias son pésimas y las partidas se saturan facilmente; esto provoca que muchos jugadores no puedan arremeter con sus armas a otros jugadores porque las balas no impactan, no impactan. NO tiene nada que ver con la conección a la Internet, NO, es el jodido servidor.)