New players encouragement

Live4uwoLive4uwo Posts: 30Member Beginner
Hello. Finally good ship in Cove that can encourage new, fresh and low lvl players in game that just finished with school. Talking about Advanced Savanna. The ship has low lvl requisitions and decent cargo which can give new player a big smile on the face when get it and offers wide range of playing possibilities after the school. Can do spice, can start nanban and start to earn money for the future and better ships. Such ship should be easy affordable to new players and have great cove/ticket drop instead of just a few under the with huge billions to get it. 500m for such ship, great cove/tic drop, many newbies can afford it which in long term can raise game population, economy and trade...
This is my point of view. And what others (multi billion persons/ low players/ newbies/ old game masters)  think about this idea? 


  • Live4uwoLive4uwo Posts: 30Member Beginner
    I miss crowded Sevilla, London, Amsterdam, Mars...seas. So such formula described above could help fill game with newcomers and encourage UWO oldies/masters to come make game crowded again 
  • SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
    Uh, all UWC ships are 'good' for new players if you're looking at levels.
    However this ship is a rare drop in cove and would probably be insanely high valued on the community market.
    This ship should also not be a beginner ship at all, as a beginner you work your up up the ship tree. When you hit the ceiling you should start investing in UWC ships. Atleast that is how you play UWO in my opinion.

    Encouraging new players should be done by having an exciting starting point in the game and slowly showing what UWO has prepared for the player without overwhelming him/her. I assume this is what Sagres is all about, but I personally haven't done any of that yet.

    I also came up with an idea since I posted in another thread that SSIPs should be cheaper, instead of making them cheaper how about using different kind of Improvement Permits on light/medium ships. Permits that can be obtained ingame. Most of the SSIPs are going to heavy ships anyway and those are end game ships.
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