What is quest pulling?

yukinoyoruyukinoyoru Posts: 3Member Beginner

I am new to this game and saw ppl talking about quest pulling on the world chat but never understood how it works. Can someone help me explain how quest pulling works?


  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    Talk to an NPC whos name includes "Mediator" - one of the options is to get a list of quests you can take.

    Mediators are found in guilds, often in or near taverns and sometimes elsewhere.
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    There is a range of quests available from mediators and you are only offered a random selection of these. So it can be both difficult and frustrating to bring up the quest you want. Some quests are quite rare i.e. there is a lower probability they will appear.

    You can reshuffle this random selection using quest mediation permits. If you pull up one of these rarer quests you can share it with other people.

    That's why pulling quests is a conversation topic.

    Good luck with the game.
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