Guess who's back

ChocoQ420ChocoQ420 Posts: 48Member Beginner
I'm planning on making a video later today.

Typical ramblings and complaints, will light a fire under Papaya's ass.
Nobody is safe, will be mentioning issues with HGM's, will talk about how to improve the game, and why putting WarRock on steam before most of the issues are fixed, would be an absolutely terrible idea.
(You're free to search any F2P FPS on Steam and read the reviews, most of the negative reviews are due to P2W Systems.)

As far as fixing the game goes, I'll be taking a look at Black Squad and Ironsight as the 2 base games that WarRock has to compete with, and mentioning the outdated system that WarRock uses for its item shop.

Things have got to change if the game's going to get better and bring in a community. I kind of hope that no one missed me too much, but I'm trying not to bring any attention to Papaya, I'd rather work with Aeria games and have them take the contract entirely for WarRock, since I know that they'll rework the game to be F2P sensibly.

That's it for me for now, stay tuned in like 16-18 hours.

This forum system is absolute garbage aswell lmao


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