Actual state of game

krisz1919krisz1919 Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
Hello guys. Been like 4 years since I quitted dekaron global. Since then I occasionally played on some pservers but things are nasty there as well.
I quitted global because it was p2w and a lot of dill buyer and so on.
How is it now? Should i start from scratch or keep my old chars and continue there (lvl ~170)


  • pescasefuzpescasefuz Posts: 130Approved Member Trainee
    If u already have some tunes at lvl 170 and it are favorite class to play there is no point to start over again.
    Game changed, i don't know how much because i didn't played much in the last year, only logging in 5min in every 3 moths or so.
    Now with the patch that let's you log in only one client, probably i will log in 5min every 6 month.
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