War Rock crashes after installing EasyAntiCheat

alvaroaeriaalvaroaeria Posts: 1Member Beginner
Hi there, 

So after some years I decided to give War Rock a try since I enjoyed so much playing it long time ago. Now that I've installed it I noticed it won't start, then I digged into forums and found out that I had to open up and install EasyAntiCheat, otherwise my War Rock's launcher won't start and so I did. I selected War Rock and installed EasyAntiCheat. But I got suprised (again) that when I started the game it crashed with a random error that I don't know how to solve, I've also checked the language is on English. I will leave a screenshot below so you know which error is it and how to solve it:

PD: As I said, I've been checking forums and many other problems from different players didn't get solved which honestly demotivates me to play War Rock back again and therefore spending some money into it. The very least you would expect from a game is that you can actually play it, right? :/


  • alvaroaeriaalvaroaeria Posts: 1Member Beginner
    Hi all, I somehow figured out how to solve it. So looks like we have to run EasyAntiCheat before clicking on ''Start'' button, once you press ''Start'' button if you didn't run EasyAntiCheat your game will most likely crash, no matter if you install it before you clicked on ''Start'' button, it will keep crashing. So if you're getting this error (http://i65.tinypic.com/35hpdaw.png) ''Unkown software exception (0xc0000409) in the location (0x00425fa9)'' after running the game and running EasyAntiCheat doesn't work, do the following steps: 
    - Uninstall War Rock. (You don't need to remove War Rock's downloader)
    - Clean your pc from useless files (I use Advanced Systemcare)
    - If you saved War Rock's downloader then run it otherwise download it again. 
    - Open up War Rock's downloader and do the steps said by the installer in order to download War Rock back again. Whenever you reach the point that you get WarRock.exe on your deskopt open it and let the game download the missing files. Whenever ''start'' button is clickable, then click on ''check file'' and let the game check if there's any file missing.
    - After all that, close the launcher and go to wherever you have located War Rock's files. (Normally: C:/Programfiles/warrockEU)
    - Open EasyAntiCheat folder and then run EasyAntiCheat.exe (If you had it installed before there's no problem, the program will uninstall itself and install back again)
    - Last step is to run the game ^^. 

    You gotta make sure to do these steps by this order, otherwise you'll keep facing that error that you once had.

    Ps: Just posting this so I'll help people who faced/faces this error, feel free to lock this @staff :P.

  • GarnaalGarnaal Posts: 4Member Beginner
    I still experience the same issue. I did all the steps you told me to do and it still doesn't work for me. I also would like to start playing again in like 3 years but don't know what to do.. Can please someone fix this problem?
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