Best Suggestion for 2019 Bs players

 1st of all go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Papaya Play\BlackShot (default) and doubleclick on uninstall icon, proceed deinstallation / click YES
 2nd "there 'll be NO PAY TO WIN ASPECT IN THE GAME " Tell me lies ,sweet little lies :
-CG805 Bren tuning (purple)Stronger than gold guns 
-G36 Neo Striker (purple)Stronger than gold guns 
-AK47-G (purple)Stronger than gold guns 
-HK416 N (purple)Extremally stronger than gold guns
-HK416 Omega (purple)Extremally stronger than gold guns
-AWP Bluestar/Redstar/Arc Reactor/Candy/G(purple) Stronger   than gold guns
-KSG Legion (purple)Extremally stronger than gold guns
-M3-G (purple)Stronger than gold guns 
-Holy Shotgun (purple)Extremally Stronger than gold guns 
-Range of Pistols decreased (even the "deagle series")   Trash dual glocks (Whoever gave that trash idea on the   forum should get bannished from the community) was nerfed   cuz they dont require skill but why Deagle series ? 
-Melee Fight is even more funny than before on that lagged   servers (NOT FIXED SINCE XMASS UPDATE 2014! 5 YEARS!!!)
-Med Kit+(purple) times better than the gold gear  
-Head Gear-I (purple) 2 times better than the gold gear 
-Sub Zero (purple)4 times better than the gold gear
-Sound Dampner (purple)4 times better than the gold gear 
-Players r able to buy gold for GEMS but vertigo took WITHOUT PROPER RECOMPENSATION every single item and gold that player posesed."after doing a simulation of this we found that doing so would break the game economy"- Vertigo But putting gold for gems dont break the game economy ?
-Implementing tactic packages and dint give an recompensation for 2k+ hours accounts but gave option to BUY TACTICS FOR GEMS FOR SMILEY FACE ACCOUNT TO GET ADVANTAGE ABOVE "GOLD" PLAYER.
Vertigo is constantly Singing Fletwood mac - Little Lies
  Community dont care Rest In Peace Black Shot Classic


  • grzybo123321grzybo123321 Posts: 3Member Beginner
    Im afraid that 90% of that is true :) But remember bro ! DONT WORRY !

  • B43STGameMastersB43STGameMasters Posts: 72BS GA Beginner
    Dear Users,

    These kinds of posts aren't supposed to be on the forum, because they have to be constructive and not negative.

    Please next time you create a new topic, be constructive and respectful towards the Team Members.

    Thanks in advance.

    Wishing you an nice day/evening. Enjoy playing the game.
    Cordially. Regards, GA-B43ST.
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