[BS-GLB EVENT] Protect the GM

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
edited January 2019 Event

imageimageHello BlackShot Global soldiers,You might be great at taking a life, but how great are you at protecting one? Join the GMs in battle every weekday night and get rewarded if you eliminate the enemy team's GM while preventing them from taking yours out!
 Event Mechanics:
- The GMs will host matches in Casual Mode from 17 Jan - 11 Feb during weekdays at 21:00HRS CET;
- Your team will consist of one GM. Protect this GM at all costs while eliminating the enemy team's GM;
- The team whose GM died the least will win;

 Event Rules:
- You can participate once a day;
Rejoining is not allowed and you need to be on the final scoreboard;
Improper behavior will result in being kicked and block from the event;

 Event Rewards:
MVP (in addition to Winners/Participation reward): M4 Omega 7d;
- Winners: AWP Redstar 7d;
- Participation: G36 Neo Striker 3d;

Team BlackShot

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