Transmutation alchemy questions

WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
Hello all - I've got one of my alts doing alchemy now, and I wanted to clear up a few points. I mainly want to use this skill to improve ship plates and personal equipment. My understanding is that transmutation can only add a total of 2 points to plates, but for personal equipment that has both attack and defense, can add up to 25 points to the number that was the lowest to start with (the higher number being raised with AFT's or WFT's). Have I got that correct so far?

One other thing for now, I have a big pile of mysterious gold - do I use that to make orichalcum, and if so where to get the recipe and what do you do with orichalcum anyway? thanks in advance!!!!!!
May the winds blow you well


  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    Your info about "higher and lower stats on gear is incorrect". Weapons can only have att forged and worn items can only have def forged regardless if its higher or lower stat. So for transmution the opposite stat is gotten. So it will always be def on weapons thats transmuted and att on worn gear. Although the items must have base stat already on it to be able to transmute or forge, so (for example) if a weapon doesn't come with base def then you cant transmute more defto it. Accessories can only be transmuted never forged.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    P.s. i haven't gottwn into working with ship parts yet to see how alchemy works on them.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    So far I have only made EX items, but I do note that beside options to add def or atk there is also an option to transfer between the two.

    As for Mysterious Gold, it can be used to make stuff (Minotaur Axe etc.) in special rooms found in the labyrinth AND AFAIK the only source for Orichalcum outside Atlantis. Its a rather expensive way to get Orichalcum though since the recipe requires SPBs
  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    And - the recipes for making and using Oricalcum are found with the transmutation alchemy furniture in your quarters.
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