Things Warrock Need desperately to Implement ( improve User's experience )

xdkxHunter7xdkxHunter7 Posts: 28Member Beginner
Dear papaya 
this is second post about things warrock need to do 
game is dying day by day , there are simple things which can be done to improve user's experience - 

decrease autoroom close Timing to 4 or 5 mint on AFK
there are many rooms with players afk masters who dont start the room , now if this happens on first list , all 15 non-afk player will waste their time sitting there waiting to start the game but master is afk 
please reduce the time to autoclose the room , room should be closed in 3-4 minutes in case of AFK 
current timing is 20 mints i think 

make rooms available to players to play
we see FFAs and explosive Rooms getting greyed out (locked) aftr certain number of rounds and number of kills in ffa 
, increase kills count to join the room , like in ffa a player should be allowed to join the room till someone reaches near end of the game for example - 16 kills out of 20 
make rooms available to players 
what is the point of locking rooms , players alrdy waiting for rooms to finish, game is dying , alrdy there are very few rooms to play, and even they r getting locked before it needed 

3.) auto Ready for every room 
i have no idea why this is not implemented yet 
just like in tournament room autordy is done , in othr rooms too a player shud be auto rdy 
why you joined a room , to play ......then ready should be auto 

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