refined trading skill

unlikethem1unlikethem1 Posts: 0Member Beginner
It says that with a refined trading skill (like food trading etc, not crafting) you can spend vigour to increase supply in markets (like Purchase Orders). So my question is: can you do it repeatedly? Can you buy unlimited amount from a single market without port hopping or POs? Or you can do it only once per visit? Can anyone with a refined trading skill clarify?


  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    Yes, you can do it repeat as long as you have vigour.
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    But don't think of it as a good short term game strategy because it will take you a long time to refine a trading skill. A very long time lol.
  • wsp414wsp414 Posts: 58Member Beginner
    Refined trading skill unlocks a new skill called '*insert trading skill here* order'. So refined wares trading would be called Wares Order. At a cost of 100 vigour use, you get 10% of a PO. Which means you would need to use it 10 times or 1,000 vigour for a full PO. Note that even if you use the order more than 10 times consecutively it does not increase the amount purchasable. So, of course this can get very annoying, but you do save on POs at the cost of time and vigour food.

    ~The Spice Must Flow~
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