Applying to join a company and personal message

JeanPaulDupleixJeanPaulDupleix Posts: 21Member Beginner
Please be aware that when you apply to join a company that their director / deputy directors can only see your in game name and personal message (menu - community - set status)  if you are not online.
It does not help to use the personal message for stating the obvious like "can I join?", "Applying to enter" etc.
Much better to clearly state your usual online time (they can use tell when you are online to talk with you, also see your UWO nationality and lvls) or "newbie" if you are new to UWO, as many companies help new players.
I know that the space in personal message is rather limited - make the most of it to give an indication who you are or when you are there to communicate.

IGN [CA]Jean_Dupleix


  • VictoriasSecretVictoriasSecret Posts: 78Member Beginner
    Given the limited message space, it's best to just post your measurements and turn-ons. 
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Given the limited message space, about the only thing you can say which makes any sense is, "Can I join."
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