[BS-GLB Community Feedback] Operation Elite Storm Update

DSHDIABODSHDIABO Posts: 725BS DSH Intermediate
Hello BlackShot Global soldiers,

Operation Elite Storm update it's now live with the return of rare and forgotten weapons, several new items, new Competitive Season 8 and several new events!

Check out all the details of the new update on the link bellow:

 Operation Elite Storm Update Info

As usual, we would appreciate if you could check all the info on the links above, play a lot  to test all the new features and later share your feedback and improvement suggestions on this topic.

Thanks in advance and enjoy the update!

- Team BlackShot


  • eduzeragodeduzeragod Posts: 9Member Beginner
    I have some suggestions for you and for what reason!
    1-Bring back military patents.
    - its players had purpose, to reach the highest military rank was reason of happiness and conquest its players miss much of her.
    2- Bring back the mastery system.
    - she misses many players, reaching the highest level of her weapon was an achievement for anyone.
    Bring back the partnership system.
    The team had announced the return of her last year, most unfortunately did not happen that year yet, I hope the team put as one of the priorities for next update.
    4- Bring back the rifle and sniper vest.
    All games except BlackShot, have rifle and sniper vest and knife, every war game needs the vest, sniper shots are random, sometimes hit 2 and another 5 supports it.
    Well, those requests are not just mine, more of all who want BlackShot with better days, I hope I have helped you, and I hope it will be forwarded and implemented.
    Thank you!
  • sharmotaa103sharmotaa103 Posts: 2Member Beginner
    competitive season 8 is bad because everybody has op weapons  so they have advantage.Those who don't have op weapons will be last places.Also macro users destroy the game so the game is boring waste of time and many players stop it everyday.You keep making every season worse than before.This game becomes worse and worse everytime.My feedback won't count tho cause u don't even care about our feedbacks.If u did care you would ban macro users.Its hard to do that but they are ways to  fix that.I could help you out but u don't want help.You want this game to be like that.You want 5 players to charge again and again and the rest are dead in this game
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