Legend Exchange needs improvement

Twice now, I have exchanged 5 items to receive one hopefully better item in return.
Instead, twice in a row, I received Advanced Rolled Steel plating that slows a ship down.  
Not good a good exchange.
Worse yet, I can't use either of my 2 rolled steel plating's to try for another exchange.  
I have to keep them both, 
or use them, why?, 
or give them away, 
or simply dump them.
I am out 10 items which had some value for 2 items with basically no value.
Legend Exchange needs improvement.



  • wsp414wsp414 Posts: 58Member Beginner
    Legend chest is another gamble. There is no reason to complain when no one forces you to do an exchange. Those platings are worth a decent amount of money...Maybe 500m and maritimers will buy it.

    But I do agree we should be able to exchange stuff from legend chest back for another shot at legend exchange. Papaya/koei isn't losing out on anything by giving us the ability for this.

    Better luck next time I would say...
    ~The Spice Must Flow~
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    My only complaint about the legend exchange is that you can receive the same item that you turned in. Hence I exchanged a SRM and a few other items to receive one SRM in exchange.
    Just give us something different.
  • MikeR2MikeR2 Posts: 20Member Beginner
    Agreed, Legend Exchange shouldn't give out a lesser item of any kind. 

    A different, slightly better, item OK. Getting one SRM in exchange for 5 SRM's isn't cool.  How about a chance at getting an SRM capable of being used at any shipyard?  You may not get it, but if you did, that would be really cool.

    Even better would be that if all items are classified into different categories, (i.e. Charm Boxes are in the "boost" category), and you turn in 5 Charm Boxes, you could then pick which different categories you would like to have a chance at getting a better item, (.i.e. ships, equipment, ship parts, help for aide's, etc.), but you wouldn't check "boost".  If you don't want ship parts, you wouldn't check that either. 

    Obviously, everyone would check only ships, if they could, so at a minimum you would have to check at least 5 categories, but there would be at least 10 categories to choose from.  

    That way, you would know you aren't going to receive another single Charm box in exchange for 5 Charm boxes or one SRM in exchange for 5.

    Many of you will say, just set up a bazaar, and sell what you don't want.  Problem with that is, most other players don't want that stuff either, like steel plating that slows a ship down.

    In addition, a lot of us don't play this game to waste our time sitting in a bazaar, plus when the game gets rebooted, we come back and discover that nothing was sold.  Shouting on merchant chat isn't fun either.
    Unwanted inventory is one of the headaches of this game, and Legend Exchange isn't helping to reduce that frustration.

    Legend Exchange does indeed need improvement.

  • Ginny1Ginny1 Posts: 22Member Beginner
    I think it would be great to have the Cove broken up into different "chests", with each chest containing only 2 or 3 categories of items. 
    Chest 1 would only have ships, boost items, and equipment.  
    Chest 2 would only have Ships, Nanban, Help for Aides, etc. 
    Chest 3 only Ships, ship building help, and ship parts.

    If that were the way  it worked, I would only use my keys to open the chests that could contain the stuff I need.

    I would love to avoid getting ship parts to improve a ship, if I am happy with what I have already. 
    Same goes for equipment, Nanban, and charm boxes, etc. 

    Alternatively, maybe I could choose 5 out of 10 categories, and all 5 chests could only contain items within those 5 categories.   

    I didn't join this game to spend time cleaning out my "garage" (inventory). 
    If I wanted to clean out my real garage,  and it does need cleaning, I would go out there this Saturday instead of going online, to play this game.  
    I hate the fact that now I have 2 garages (inventory), to clean out. That's Not the fun part of this game.

  • LyonesseJosephLyonesseJoseph Posts: 637Member Intermediate
    Yep, I got other 65 NPCs from Legend too. Also, there is one that needs to change especially for tickets because that thesis has 1k credits that's totally garbage ,so it should not be in tickets nor TC. However, TC has Legend Chest ,so u can exchange 1k thesis and other items for Legend Chest that's something tickets can't. This may be why many players felt they got extreme undervalue when they played tickets or TC.

    Tbh, I have no problem with that despite I got undervalue twice but did get good stuffs ,so I can't complain about it..
  • MikeR2MikeR2 Posts: 20Member Beginner
    Legend Exchange definitely needs improvement.
    I turned in 5 Charm boxes, and got one Special Shipbuilding Improvement Permit x15 in exchange.
    But I'm not a ship builder, so now I have to try to level the SSIP ticket by running a bazaar, or shouting on Merchant Chat, what a pain. 
    I like the idea of being able to exchange by category, so at least if I'm not a shipbuilder, I won't get SB stuff as a replacement for the 5 items that I would have to sell.  
    But also, you shouldn't be able to get any of the items you're exchanging back again. That is, the system logic would know to block the return of 1 Charm Box as a replacement for 5 Charm boxes.
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @MikeR2 although i agree that having unusable items in your inventory is a waste i have to say that your logic is slightly flawed. Because of individual play style, not everyone needs battle gear or trade/discovery items but one commonality we all have is the need for ships.

    Even if you don't do SB, you should still collect sb parts and ssips. You will still need a modded ship to get around in and supplying your own parts and ssips will save you massive cost when you need to make a ship. At an average cost of 500m per part, that's up to 2b per mod you can save (1sail,1cannon port,2armorments). Thats not even including the cost of ssips at 20m each as well as the cost to mod. Even if you don't need at the moment, sb parts and ssips sell well on merchant chat.

    I do agree that you shouldn't get the same items back when trading into legend.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    *30m ssips. Anoying no edit on forum :/
    IGN: Samantha99
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posts: 79Member Beginner
    Is that 30m per SSIP, or 30m for a ticket for 15 SSIPs?
    See how much I dislike Merchant Chat, or having to look through the bazaars.
    I'm a guy.  We like to go into a store and buy what we need, pay a fair price, and get out.
    I don't like to shop, and I hate trying to figure out in Merchant Chat, what all the alphabet soup acronyms stand for.
    And shouting on Merchant Chat to try to get rid of all the stuff I don't need, that is a royal pain in the arse.
    That's why Legend Exchange needs to be improved.
    That's why there ought to be categories in Legend Exchange.  
    If I want to get my ship upgraded, I would be happy to exchange 5 Charm boxes for a SB part or permit, so long as I knew that the category I was selecting would take me to SB items.
    Likewise if I want a boost item, I would be happy to exchange 5 Nanban Certs for speed or fame boosts.
    Otherwise, why use Legend Exchange at all? The less than 1% chance we might get a great ship? not worth it.
  • Ginny1Ginny1 Posts: 22Member Beginner
    The Cove is really lame this time around, and why invest in it if most of what you get is stuff that you have to get rid of.
    It would be great if some of the suggestions shown above could be implemented to create better results when exchanging unwanted/unneeded stuff knowing that your inventory is likely to improve.

  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    The 27/-11 plates are nice but ya, the other stuff is "meh". I'm thinking that if they want items for cove, maybe one idea is to bring some of the items back from past expansions. After the reset all the gear/outfits etc from past expansions and events were wiped from the game and aren't on the server anymore. I'd love to have some of that stuff back again. Also, just before the wipe i remember the GM's had an event to model some of the limited edition items that were going to be introduced to the game, what ever happened to those?

    Although having custom coves for each profession would be more useful, the only issue i see with it is that papaya would have to be changing multiple coves with each rotation. Is there enough stuff to work with to do that? It also seems like alot of work keeping up with that much cycling. I think a better plan would be to have 2 cove choices like how they had on OGP. There were 2 different bottles and then the recycle, then there would be more options. Only issue with this idea would be how they would transfer over to cap tickets after which is also the problem with having coves for each profession.

    I think for now the only thing that should be fixed is the legend cove when it comes to what you can recycle back and making sure you can't get same items back you trade in. I think everything should be recyclable and that you should be able to keep cycling items until you have nothing left if the player wants.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • Ginny1Ginny1 Posts: 22Member Beginner
    Agree 100%, but maybe Papaya could also take some items off the Cove for a while, like Charm Boxes or Nanban Purveyor Certs, and like you said, offer something that hasn't been available recently.
    Still, the most important thing is to offer a way to exchange for something better, and not go backward.
    I hate shouting on Merchant Chat, or having to set up and renew a bazaar
    It seems like it should be possible to have at least 2 categories to select from for exchange.
    Hopefully someone is listening.
  • CulvernCulvern Posts: 646Member Intermediate
    What needs updating more than legend box?
    The items you get from spoils.
    All of the items you get can only be used by those with noto, so there is no selling any of it since those with noto already have spoils themselves.
    Would be great to see some sellable items.
    Or items that are useful to pirates. The items they do have are worse than any item a pirate already uses.

    But back to the main point: I agree
  • Loki97Loki97 Posts: 0Member
    Sounds like some people want to gamble without any risk. It's a crap shoot, sometimes you win and sometimes you don't. If you always got a better item in exchange it would certainly be a step further toward P2W.
  • carlalexcarlalex Posts: 187Member Trainee
    Just say no to loot boxes
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @Loki97 it's not about getting a better item per se. It's more about not getting the same item back.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @Culvern i generally just give those noto items to my aides lol. But ya changing those items up or adding more variety to spoil exchanges would be good. Also I'd like to see some honour specific items introduced to the game.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • tpainetimtpainetim Posts: 35Member Beginner
    I think legend chest should be nerfed even further 
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posts: 79Member Beginner
    Ok, I tried Legend Exchange again, mostly to clean out a bunch of Shining Tarots cards, which are a pain to try to use, and I hate bazaars, and also hate shouting on Merchant Chat.  In exchange I got 2 Captain Tickets.
    The problem with Captain tickets is that you get more stuff in inventory,and pretty soon your inventory is maxed out again, and you are back to trying to clean out your garage (inventory).
    Like I said before, if I wanted to clean out all the junk in my garage every week, I would do that, and not play this game, but I love this game, just hate having to do housekeeping all the time.
    In short, Legend Exchange needs to be more like a pawn shop, where you can trade for something you want.  
    Sure, you take a hit on the items you are giving up, but you get something you want more, and you know what you are getting.
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    I guess we are all the same - hanging into things just in case they could be useful - at some indeterminate point in the future.

    I found it was simpler to just sell the rubbish to the shop keeper. Once it's gone you forget about it and you've lots of inv space to use for ACTUALLY playing the game. Lol.

    It's quick and simple. Throw it away now - or save it and throw it away later. Go on - you know it makes sense.
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    Hoarding is a real psychological problem!

    IGN: Samantha99
  • LydiaJosephLydiaJoseph Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Expert Job skills manual shouldn't be in Legend Chest that I got it today lol.
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