Is this game Turkey-based?

seed40seed40 Posts: 20Member Beginner
Why are there so many Turks in the game?
I don't care, don't get me wrong, but I haven't see so many turks in a game before.
Except in counterstrike on French and German servers


  • p0wner1180p0wner1180 Posts: 451Member Intermediate
    Turkey just has a big population playing WarRock, that's all. It's always been like this as far as I can remember.
  • seed40seed40 Posts: 20Member Beginner
    Ah OK
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Ban all turk and german make WR GREAT AGAIN!
    Joking give them a closed server where only they can join and make wr great the right way :)
  • PluciakkPluciakk Posts: 2Member Beginner
    Turk lagg, ovc,bug user ,and papaya allowed it ,go through the walls and it is ferplay? you shoot at a guy and it's not raining, and you die from one ball . You're getting a bullet thtough the wall. So you have.
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