Where do I go to get Pet Supplements/Stimulant items?

VirusChrisVirusChris Posts: 0Member Beginner

I am at a loss to find or even buy these Pet Supplements
anywhere in the game. Apparently I need them to level up and unlock the Baby
and Adult forms of my Pets? However I don't know where to go to get even the
YELLOW STIMULANT which is the most common one of all.


I read it was in the Pet Shop under the Pet Stimulant in the
shop, but there's none. Only Pet Items so I'm back to square one.


Where do I go? How do I get Yellow Supplements and the
others? Why is this so complicated for a Pet system? I am so lost. Can someone help please?


PS: Also, 2 million Ely for a Time Extender for Pets? I don't
recall it even being that expensive during the OGP days!

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