Returning Player Wonders



  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    dont challenge me, i already take the bet...

    maritime-ship down to 320 dura... from iron tlg 720 dura...and i dont have enough ducats to buy those mcct/lcct
    trading-fell asleep from ternate to india... using long route(ternate> guam<madagascar>india) xD and out of vigour food

    so yeah...thats why i just concentrate for 1

    please do not mention fishing/procure/collection

    when you collecting-you got nothing to do, so... fell asleep
    when you procure at LP-you got nothing to do, so... asleep again
    when you fish(where i rarely do except if im in emergency), youd be like,,,eh i dont have skill left to use(survey/caution/frugality) where do i wanna put fish? above my head?

    my lower adventure skill? i take hiatus like 2/3 year and come back and see the face of ugly pig multiboxers
    when i see multi...meh, why should i compete with em? just report them to gm, which GM you pampered them too fucking much,,,you not banned them yet you give them more freedom

    haha return and already make an enemy though(waves hello to pierate and annebonney) if you consider me a troll, do block me, and simple i can consider you fking illegal multis

    why i need skill rescue/survival/marching? wasted skill slot
    if you are sailor, you feed your crew well
    marching? meh even in high ranking, level 6 bedouin still attack(which pathetic really)
    rescue? delete them after get salvage

    eradication and pathology? why you dont use your aide instead?
    mines and evasion haha you want me to fight ship? lel

    what do you wanna pay if
    -you dont have ducats?
    -you have stack abundance of equipment/ship part/things you wanna sell but people jest it so low you dont intend to sell anymore?
    -you watch merchant chat and when you see someone selling similar item and it sold, and sell the same thing in like 1-2 day after people jest you, thats not correct price

    as i stated before, someone sold wrought iron shin armor(the uwc version) 2 bil
    try to sold them, most people said its worth only like 300m
    take a break like a month-i saw in front of my eyes, thirstinhowls sell those for 200m... and you said i dont price check? hahahaha funny

    why i need to be friends with pirate? they're pathetic like Nukeshaw and mr richie
    with what mredgedemon
    3-5 multi behind and be like "yay im multi, i got 3240 discoveries and got 200 MTT's

    check seville, take a sit near fountain, you'll know i talk the truth

    and everyone who fkingly support multi, if you dont like my shit things complaining
    community> set status> block list> add

    ill appreciate that

  • wsp414wsp414 Posts: 58Member Beginner
    Arunas said he wasnt NasiGorengCendawan. This lie strips him of all credibility of what he is complaining about.
    ~The Spice Must Flow~
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    @wsp414 and what is up to you? so you wanna accuse im david319 now? lel
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @Crimsonbunny cooking is useless lol inless u would rather spend a few hrs filling up x numbers of bank and invo space with 1399 of diff foods

       I wouldn't say that it's 'useless' skill as it's more 'impractical for competitive play'. I only mentioned it cause i though it was ironic statement considering what CPC said xD . With the growth of the game some skills and professions have become obsolete and those that chose to try it out now use them more for personal pleasure and individual play style than for any gain in the game. Pekkauwer's argument for personal play style is evidence of this. I'll give you an example, i've been building my char around adv/maritime. I have a handful of important trade/crafting skills to support my main goals and have 4 trading skills. I don't focus on trade so my trade skills are 1 necessity (wares) and 3 luxury (fabrics/jewelry/perfume). My luxury trade skills aren't the most practical for trading but they represent my personal rl interests. Character creation in this game is about individual style.

    The pay to be better thin others has never been more strong as it is now a days .

       Well, that's a 'double edged sword' for a statement. Although buying into this game does give those players and advantage over those that don't pay into it, it also puts more of those hard to get items into the game for those little to non paying players to get. When those players who spend thousands on the game to get uwc items do that, they will get many copies of items they will look to sell to free up inventory space and make in game money. The more copies of those items that are in the game then the higher supply will lower the cost of the item especially as demand drops. Back when the server started, there was a competition for first to lvl 60 in each class. The top 5 winners in the maritime class got black rong fu armor. Problem was that they didn't release that armor again into the cove/tickets until almost 1 year into the server. So for the near first year, only those 5 players had the advantage that armor gives in the game and since no one else had or could get. When it was sold it would sell for easily 20b. Once it was released in cove/tickets, more copies of that armor came available in the game and the price stablized down to 5b. Same is true for every other item/ship that's come out in uwc. So although i can agree that the lotto system sucks, buying uwc is a necessity if we want these items to use. The only alternative would be subscription but i don't think there's enough regular users to make that viable.

    And lest not joke around every one knows that alts play a huge roll and
    very much do  effect others .The market is clear on that .in less u are
    blind or just st....... theres no way u cant see how they effect the game lol

       How are they an effect on others? Lets get something straight, prices in the market are run by the greed and need of players not the number of characters they play! And i'll prove this, let's take a multiboxer who's just farmed 3 AOS, that's using up 3 inv slots and may or may not sell. If the average price on them is 20m he might sell for 10-15m to make quick sale and free up those slots and go farm more or he has to sacrifice that space while they sit dead in his inv. Meanwhile I come into the picture with my 1 char and 1 copy of the same item but want more for my time so i sell for 50m and sit on that price to maximize my return. That's individual player greed not number of characters that are being played!

    Dont get me wrong storage alts are fine lots of people are huge pack rats lol.
    But the game in its self was never ment for 1 person to be making 3x the normal amount on everything

       Don't get me wrong, i agree that at one time this game wasn't meant to be like that, i've even admitted that i only play with one character. But fact of matter, back then the designers didn't know what this game could grow into, and clearly with how this game has grown (new skills/jobs) now and how long it takes to even make a character you can see why they are a benefit. In another thread you said this and i even gave you a solution to just using 1 char. That is that they would have to increase the number of max skills and provide ALL the storage expanders as part of the basic char. This would give players more diversity in game and ease the issue of storage and all the mats some skills need.

    But this has become the norm now so it is what it is but dont sit here and say it has no effect on others or the game.  ignorance is bliss

       Like i said maybe they do and maybe they don't. Most people in this game will say that others using alts don't affect their play. There's advantages and disadvantages to having them in the game. But if you are going to make an argument for any issue in this game the do it for the right reasons, not for your own personal bias or because you don't want to protect yourself. This is not ignorance, this is logic and common sense.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Thanks for your points @PP I agree with you, especially about cooking.

    @pekkauwer there is something you could learn from purplepirate - no something you should learn.

    How to make your point without being angry, aggressive, abusive/swearing. If you constantly go around scowling at the world it will always scowl back. Here's my advice for you to get more out of this game: smile and be nice to people. You will be surprised what a difference it makes.
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    Here's my advice for you to get more out of this game: smile and be nice to people. You will be surprised what a difference it makes.

    smile and be stabbed back? i have the experienced
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @Pekkauwer it's funny, but the more you post, the clearer it becomes that your issues aren't really about multi's but more about your incompetence as a player.

    "I don't have enough ducets for MCCT"

    Then why don't you make them for free with casting? And if you say you don't want to do any trading then you are a hypocrite because you HAVE some trade skills already! Why are you using storage/caution and others if you dont want anything to do with trade? Hypocrite.

    "Trading? Fell asleep from ternate to india"

    So whats the difference traveling that diatance doing adv quest instead? Either way you have to travel the distance. Hypocrite.

    "Fishing/collection useless. Ran out of food ro feed crew"

    Those skills are great and can get you valuable items. I get a free 40-50 swmps per day just from collecting. You can also get valuable trade goods like pearls and gold dust while at sea. Oh and btw, you don't feed your crew with vig food, you feed them with supplies that comw feom converting goods you get FROM fishing/collection. Your problem is NOT multiboxers, it's pure stubbornness which makes you an incompetent player.

    "Where do i wanna put fish? Above my head?"

    If you can't even manage something as simple as your cargo hold then you have BIGGER problems than any multiboxer in the game. You have proven to everyone that you are incompetent as a player and only blaming mulits as a scapegoat.

    " i take hiatus like 2/3 year and come back and see the face of ugly pig multiboxers."

    Ummm, unless you are a total clueless moron, then you would know that alts have been in the game alot longer than 3 years ago. If it wasn't an issue then then why is it now? And if it was an issue for you then but you still came back, well as i stated in my opening post "this is the act of a masochist" and really the problem is with you. You have shown nothing in any of your complaints that proves multiboxing has affected your game in ANYWAY. You are just using them to cover your failure to play this game properly. Coward.


    Funny how you claim to be purist adv and yet wont use half the useful adv skills. You say these skills are either useless or can be replaced with aide. Yet you load up on language skills instead of letting aides provide. You play adv which is primarily a land class but dont use marching or even swordplay (you take cannon skills and caution instead). You are a pure hypocrite and incompetent player. Multi's have absolutely nothing to do with anything here EVERYONE can see that lol.

    Now when it comes to dealing qith other players when buying and selling. Your problem is that you dont know how to interact. Just because someone tries to lowball you on a price doesn't mean you have to take that offer. Same is true for buying, SHOP AROUND to find a good price and/or make offers, DON'T TAKE THE FIRST PRICE YOU GET! This is common sense.

    This really is becoming an attitude issue, not a multiboxer one. Your poor attitde explains why you complain about lack of friends to play with and that you only have alts in company. You are not a very friendly person to be around as shown from the demeanor in your posts. You refuse the help that's offered from us and continue your rants like a child throwing a temper tantrum. You refuse to play the game how it was meant to be played and blame others for your failures. No multiboxers are NOT the real problem here, you seeking attention by trolling these forums is the real problem. I think you see everyone in game having a great time playing with eachother but since nobody wants to play with you, you've decided to go on a personal vendetta against everyone by calling everyone multies. Every issue you stated has nothing to do with multies except ONE, your lack of friends to play with. I actually feel sad for you.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    wow, hypocrite eh? 

    -do ask people i friend with... how do i level storage, ive kinda being honest here, i die alot to achieve what rank my storage think im not fighting? then whyimage
    this happen? hmm oh i get it, i hack the games... yeah im pro at it, i level to 23 maritime w.o dieing and thats why my storage rank is high(high on your head maybe, its just r9... and that fame is hack(take my sarcasm)

    i travel distance at least i have something to do, i do shipwreck... again ive got abundace of sw from my procure r7 every when i have mood for land chart region... and i dont do land battle ^^
    while trading...yawwwwwwwwwwnnnn as i stated bring things from eu to anywhere on earth is kinda make me sleepy

    just for hint purpose,that trading level is hack too, i hack trading level via selling trade good to the port i haul my wreck /again sarcasm

    ofc, ive stuffed my sailor well...just return from china last night and ive still feed my 49 sailor well.. the proof?

    again my cargo is my problem, but multis... is like a plague since NM era(ive even reported a friend)

    hmm my aides is still new since i got only quarters rank 4 i believe and all js new, only language appear and if i level them i just want the correspondence/salvage+haul skill(if you know what aide i have)

    oh yeah is there artic on my language slot? yeah there is artic on my aide...again prove you wrong about

    sigh i hate to show this but i gotta show/i gotta provide seems someone claim "friend is everything"

    OK, let me explain

    reubenjames, login when papaya play launch but not anymore

    -Yan- he helps alot although i remind him i hate multis but still he do it, and guess where is it now? too bored of the damn games(hey, why you multi? this is the reason you bored much)

    -transportA from venetian company, from malaysia always hogging with 3-4 multis..guess where he is now? multi being dead because bored of the games(why you multi at the 1st place)

    -Allebig ah the french advisor, pirate and also MULTIBOXER...although we dont talk much, yes i know he is multiboxer

    -denversky another spain pirate

    -Ozma and comell rarely multi but also rarely online, from malaysia

    -AristoteleS, not sure i dont recall him

    -Pikkun, a friend but rarely online,maybe bored of the game but if he online, he stay at seville

    -RajaLanun, a malaysian multis... from OGP era still...though i dont recall him, i just add him due nationality... and where he is now? boredom because too OP being multis

    -Nico a friend,not sure he is multi or not but rarely online(maybe sick of multis too)


    -KayZ, just see him at official launch nothing anymore
    -Tibaton_Tirazon, not sure he is multi but abit ship seller and currently hiatus at Japan(hes from malaysia i believe) but popup on UWO discord often

    -Juunga an indonesian friend not much known to me

    so see? everyone offline due being either
    -multis who hogging 3-4 alts, already fking rich, and nothing to do
    -pirate(yes red name) who idk, add me coincidencetally

    and yet you claim i dont have friends *chuckles*

    oh to allebig/denversky i dont intend to sell you this info, people ask for proof, you can delete me if you want but i know you wont right? :p dont worry i already support the game by buying 27 blue flag though(yes have to use real money >.>) so please wait forever after to pirate me

  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
       Pekkauwer, your post only re-enforces my whole argument. Right from the start i've been saying the same thing to you... "You need to make some friends". There's a huge difference between a 'friend' (someone you spend time with in game and work co-operatively to common goals) and an 'acquaintance' (someone you know but don't regularly communicate with and rarely ever spend time with). Most people on everyone's fl is just an acquaintance. Most people who play this game have their own goals (including you) and don't always have the time or the desire to do what other people want or need to do. This is why most people play their own game (you're proof of this), but with friends you spend time together because different tasks in the game will 'cross over' to other player's paths so the time works for all involved.

       Your whole fl has 14 people on it, and of those 14 less than 1/2 dozen are even active (in your own words), and of those people none of them have the same play style as you. These are not 'friends', they are acquaintances, you need to find people in the game who are also focusing on adv like you and have similar times to log in. You even said yourself that you don't really interact with any of them. You need to actually participate sometimes in activities that other people want to do instead of just what you want (even if you aren't crazy about the activity). This is how you are going to make real friends in the game and not be stuck playing alone. You never know, you might just enjoy some of the other things this game has to offer (it's a different experience when you play as a group). This is also why you need to diversify your character, so you can actually survive by doing more. Even in real life, creatures will go extinct if they specialize to much, it's diversity in species that thrives. You can play your way but understand that you are not going to find to many people in this game that limit themselves like you have.

       When i first started back on OGP, i played exactly like you, all adv. But after a month of being totally lost i realized that i had to rethink my strategy and diversify more, so i wiped out most of my skills and redid my whole setup (i didn't reset the char, only the skills). Now that i had a better grasp at the game, I did much better. When Maris started i took the knowledge i learned from OGP and was better able to make a focused balanced character. Now, i'm WAY better off than i was 1 1/2 years into OGP and much happier with my character. I have everything i need in ONE character and don't need to play with multiple characters. I joined this game for adv so that is where most of my skills are but i also have a perfect set (only use what you need, not all) of battle skills to be able to defend myself incase i ever encounter a need for combat ( also i play alot of pvp). Finally, i have a small set of trade skills and a few crafting necessities. But you can't just ever play one class, there are important necessary skills from all 3 classes you have to have if you plan to play by yourself.

       Getting back to your fl, i have to say that it's pretty arrogant of you to 'assume' you know the actual reasons for each of those individuals not returning to the game. You claim they all quit because of multi's and yet you don't have 1 shred of proof of that. You don't know why any of them haven't returned, but i can actually give you legitimate reasons for many of them. You stated many of them quit after launch. Well i can tell you fact that they didn't quit because of multi's, those people quit because of the reset and just found it was going to take to much time to rebuild their characters again, you can even go back to the early threads on this forum to see for yourself how many people said that was the reason they were leaving! Ruben actually stuck around for awhile as i remember he used to contribute to our forum discussions for awhile.

       You know... the word 'bored' has many meanings. Your claims that people left because they were bored is totally your opinion and interpretation. Some people move on to other games (UWO is a decade old now), others end up with real life commitments and yes some even just get bored of a game. Fact is though, many people take leave for different reasons but return at later dates (notice that the accounts are still active or they would've been dropped from your fl, so they weren't deleted). I don't know if or how long accounts last on this server inactive before they are automatically deleted. You even say "maybe bored" for many of them, so YOU don't even know for sure! Don't make claims that you can't prove. The same is true for multi's, since you don't know for certain that is the reason for them leaving, if it is, prove it. If you can't then it's nothing more than YOUR biased opinion.

    do ask people i friend with... how do i level storage, ive kinda being
    honest here, i die alot to achieve what rank my storage think
    im not fighting?

       What the hell are you doing for storage that you would ever need combat for??? Storage is the easiest and cheapest craft to rank (you get everything in game for free). All you need to do is fish north sea fish until r5 then hit calais and procure berries r5 dried mangos to r7 then you grind out the lime juice the rest of the way (or fish tuna off syracuse at r8) and finish the skill, repeating for refine. You never have to fight anything!

    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    still i believe im truist to most of my word

    ask NenengTea, he also friend of -Yan- and Pikkun, some multi and quit(why play at first?, duh)
    Pikkun, last two days ago, with Ozma nanbanning i believe but mostly? seen him at outside seville water

    yeah, why multi if you bored of the game? just delete your char because its so annoying to see multis
    reset? haha i know people in my fl which spent like 300-400 USD after launching at papaya play(guess who) and yes i can confirm he is multi and he is pirate

    easiest? as stated, im not fond of fishing(thinking to delete it and get another skill) you think fishing is easiest? then where do i wanna put my ea/survey/frugality? oh right above my head so i can fish using my head, no?
    procure too, why i need to procure if ive done land mapping? oh i must be dumb because i need to re-land charting for several time(if that system exist lel)

    the thing is, i know most of my fl, which one multi, which one already fking rich, which one already hoard 3-4 alts to go nanban and complaint "oh no!!! what should ive done with my abundance money?" and which one quit and return as same intention as me, Dont like multis but still love the game yet cant do anything...

    as stated, why i need to battle if i dont like battle? "roll eyes" i believe 23/24 maritime is enough for me


    my ship and some ship were ticketable open due low inventory space
    i doubt i need more ship + trade/maritime level
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    the thing is, i know most of my fl, which one multi, which one already
    fking rich, which one already hoard 3-4 alts to go nanban and complaint
    "oh no!!! what should ive done with my abundance money?" and which one
    quit and return as same intention as me, Dont like multis but still love
    the game yet cant do anything...

       I think the main point here is why do you let it bother you so much? You've stated that you are where you want to be with your character and ships. And since your fl is limited, they why would anyone else's wealth affect you? You have your blue flags and can sail away doing your own thing without ever having to interact with anyone. I've already shown that multi's create abundance in the market which can drive prices down on everything, and that "it's a waste to have to many accounts full of dead value wealth". So if you actually joined this game to compete in the global market then you wouldn't be playing adv, you'd be playing merchant. But if you didn't join to be the 'richest' then other players wealth shouldn't affect you so who cares how they make their money. If you do care then play a merchant and compete. simple...

    easiest? as stated, im not fond of fishing(thinking
    to delete it and get another skill) you think fishing is easiest? then
    where do i wanna put my ea/survey/frugality? oh right above my head so i
    can fish using my head, no? procure too, why i need to procure if ive done land mapping?oh i must be dumb because i need to re-land charting for several time(if that system exist lel)

       OMG, i can't believe i actually have to 'hand walk' you though this! When you fish/coll/proc, you don't need to sail around, you sit in one spot! EA only works when moving, so don't move! Survey? wow, why would you even have that on if you know where you are? Haven't you ever noticed all the ships just sitting outside Syracuse just fishing? Do you really think any one of them doesn't know where they are and need to have survey on? LOL. And as an adventurer i would think that you would know the fact that you DON"T just go to land areas to do map creation. Most of the adv dis are located in these land areas! Even just stating this show's how foolish your claims are, i'm stunned...

    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    you seems to forgot something
    -what happen if you have abundance vinland equipment?
    -what happen if 1 char have 3-5 excalibur?

    the thing is all adventure thing not worth a penny at all

    how do i make money then? sell myselves at sex slave market?

    again i do love sailing i repeat SAILING(unless im lazy to sail i take liner) i dont stay fishing for long time, i rather sail and do sw/do discovery mostly

    thats why i stated "why is the use of fishing skills, if im moving alot?" feed my crew well, got timber for sw well enough, and i need to fish? o.o.....
  • VesuviousVesuvious Posts: 28Member Beginner
    Multiboxers have been around since UWO first came online outside of Japan.... so i dont know where you got this 3yrs and now they're here.

    Cant afford Mcct's .... lol.... ok.

    So basicaly you want other people to stop making money doing trade jobs... you want other people to stop making money via the cash shop... you want maritimers to stopmaking money using trading alts... you dont want to have to work for anything that isnt adventure related.... or in the case of cooking... even if it is adventure related.... you hold umpteen different languages at the same time taking up skill slots for no reason.... you have management skill... but dont do crafting so you cant level it... its everyone elses fault that your game is now boring.... that about sum it up?
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    Multiboxers have been around since UWO first came online outside of Japan.... so i dont know where you got this 3yrs and now they're here.

    facepalm ive been playing since NM era

    Cant afford Mcct's .... lol.... ok.
    i rather invest in qmp(before the adventure guild market) or swmp(now i have like 3 stack qmp inside strongbox)

    So basicaly you want other people to stop making money doing trade jobs
    they can make money using trade job, but why multi?

    you want other people to stop making money via the cash shop
    never said that o.o

    you want maritimers to stopmaking money using trading alts..
    maritimers and pirate now have been pamperred by gm alot right now, they attack player like mofo and they have special event :D

    you dont want to have to work for anything that isnt adventure related
    so where my trade level come? as stated ive sw much and thats where my income source happen

    you hold umpteen different languages at the same time taking up skill slots for no reason....
    at least i can stop use body language on important port and not crying "oh, i use my body language now i dont have vigour" you expect a prince in unicorn come over you? facepalm

    you have management skill... but dont do crafting so you cant level it... 
    yes kinda regret taking it, all people stated just process fish, over the dead fish... it still r0

    its everyone elses fault that your game is now boring....
    if everyone play 1 char and have cooperation it might not boring, but everything all related to flying pig call alts/multiboxer

    that about sum it up?
    here already explain

  • VesuviousVesuvious Posts: 28Member Beginner
    Multiboxers dont stop YOU from making money. Never have.

    As you've been around since NM days... you should know there are no more multis now then there were then.... there simply cant be coz the entire playerbase is smaller.

    You cant afford mcct.... but you can afford to buy qmp and swmp....

    Swmp - 4-500k

    Mcct - 30k

    Big difference between cant and wont.

    Your biggest issue it seems is purely social interaction.
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    facepalm ive been playing since NM era

    So let me get this straight... You've been playing this game for the past 10 years and you can't figure out how to get mcct's, one the easiest and cheapest items in the game to get? Ok, well i think that sais it all... You are either full of BS or you are the dumbest player ever to play this game. You just killed any credibility with this statement.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    @vesuvius=swmp recorded 100k a piece... which uber cheap....+ everyone at that time land charting and make function of procurement but not anymore since most people done land charting anyway(another reason greedy m.f multi to do landcharting for it)

    @PP mcct is cheap? hell no...last time i check it was like 70k(i rarely check market now, but after seeing price of item in merchant chat, i doubt the item fell down on price)

    easiest-yes tried to rank collection to r11 and wham, you died either
    -land battle mobs
    -no vigour
    *rolls eyes*
    back to salvaging for better loot which i can put rn(just got court rank this morning)
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
       @everyone you know the funniest thing about all this? If you look at the pic's pekkaurer himself posted, you'll see his main ship RWJ 8/8 G6 490h/646v 32TS 37WR 2skill + oss. This is a fully modded and graded ship that would've cost him billions to have made (he doesn't have SB so he couldn't have made it himself), and on top of it all he probably has some very nice gears equipped on it as well. Also you'll notice that he has some other value ships in his inventory as well (ModHM and Adv beagle). So this guy is doing alright for himself, and he has absolutely NOTHING to complain about when it comes to not having money or other people making money..

    Vinland equipment/Excaliber

      These items are completely worthless now in game. The only value these items have now is for adv discoveries, but they have no practical purpose anymore in game. Both Excaliber and Mjolner have uwc 'improved' version of them now that people look for. Excaliber sells for 500m on merchant chat and FULL vinland set (if you are lucky to find buyer) wont' get you much more than 500m for the whole set (if you are lucky maybe 1b for full set, all 4 pieces). Since you can't repeat these quests, it's impossible to farm these items (the only way would be to loose dis card in academy debate so you could regain the quest again). So that means pekkauwer's complaint of 5 multiboxer fleets will only ever make a max of 2.5-5b total from selling these items in the open market. I'll tell you right now, absolutely NO BODY"S game is ruined over someone else making 5b.

      And that's even if they could sell. New players can't afford them and top players all use uwc so have no need for them. One point i made earlier was " no point having wealth lying dead in alt accounts". It's all about the uwc now (mostly because they can't be plundered by pirates). In game items (for free to play players) are there for the 'core' experience of the game, but if you want more then you buy into it for that next level of gaming experience.

      The reason for this is because the game is old now and YES players get bored! So they have to keep the game fresh and interesting, thus uwc 'pay system'. The game is designed now to accommodate both styles of play. And there are mechanisms in the game to prevent 'unbalanced' crossovers of the two different game types if you use them.

    @pekkauer You know you say you are from NM days and it seems that your 'head' is still living in those days. Your complaints about multi's may have had some value back then but it doesn't anymore neither does the value of excal/vinset. If you didn't notice, numerous people have posted rebuttals to your claims and yet not one person has posted in support of you. The only person to even come close to supporting you was crimsonbunny, but even they said that your way of making a character was flawed...

    @Crimsonbunny but it is wise to have more thin just say adv skills. being a pure class
    can get by just fine but u are missing out on $$ other wise.

       Crimson also went on to say how pointless multi farming vinland would be anyways...

    but in the end it dont really matter to each there own 99% of the stuff
    in game is point less any more any ways .The pay to be better thin
    others has never been more strong as it is now a days .

       MCCT's average 30k, if you see people selling for more and don't ant to pay then take up casting and make them for free! And your arguments for multi's have no value to them, especially after seeing your ships! You have nothing to complain about which makes you a Troll seeking attention, your own comments and FL prove this. This is why you tried to hijack multiple threads with your off topic rhetoric. Even nolah217 made a comment about you taking his thread 'off topic' in his "Lost Memories" post. We all tried to answer your concerns but you 'threw them back in our faces' arrogantly. If you are just looking to make friends, this is not the way to do it. Sorry Troll, it's time to go back under the bridge you crawled out from...

    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    this is why an acting pro like to act pro


    im old NM/OGP player and receive those ssip and those sail to mod...
    money? oh right, you forget too OGP player HAVE BEEN PAID CHECK
    other? selling salvage wreckage and this is where i got the money from :)

    value? what value is that ship? can it be traded with pirate activity for 1 year or what?

    this is another reason why stupid gm exist

    adventure equipment SHOULDNT BE IN UWC SHOP M.F
    now what to sell? yes sell myself at slave market right?

    take up casting? what you wanna me sleep in bergen/oslo/hamburg town making lumber/steel? phewh i rather sail+ salvage or go makes discoveries

    or sleep at NFL north coast and die in agony by level 47 mobs/out of vigour

    its ok no one concerns anyway as i stated community> set status>Block

    appreciate that thanks
    oh spread the words too

  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    NFL=for collection white ore
  • CrzyPsycoChickCrzyPsycoChick Posts: 667Member Intermediate
    Its pointless to even continue this discussion and while Nasi has never been mean to me in game Im not trying to be mean or anything but you just have an excuse for everything.

    The problems you're complaining about are literally so low level and pointless they simply don't happen to anyone even players fresh out of school k

    *Complaining about leveling casting in 1-2 days now due to bulk joke 1-15 2 days.
    *Complaining because you dont have cargo when 1 beer is 3 water and fish can caught and turned to food at sea you can literally sail the whole planet with 100 beer and fishing no joke
    *complaining you lose to land mobs as soon as you enter NFL and collect theres No Mobs and even if somehow you encounter a mob you simply run out the circle untouched
    * complaining you cant afford MCT even if you were misquoted the price you can do a MCT party. Yes all you have to donis ask to be in the fleet if soneone doing it and have your ship repaired FOR FREE done it many times.
    *complaining no vigor you OBVIOUSLY have vigor food or you wouldn't be able to adventure. Even visiting the tavern and buying there you can fill up on food for dirt cheap...cheapest in game and even cheaper as cooking has been made obsolete by boxes
    *complaining you cant Nanban because you fall asleep but you do adventure...soooo adventure keeps you awake and alert but Nanban or crafting or collecting or adv for AOS just instantly puts you in a coma? Sure buddy
    *complaining multis made a guy charge 200mil for shin armour has zero correlation he just knew he could swindle you.
    *pirates...i'll get to that in a second

    Nasi its IMPOSSIBLE to play this game 10 years and be this clueless in the game youre either trolling or youre really really really a terrible player or just extremely lazy or a pathological liar. IIRC wasnt ArunaS or Syah a pirate back in the day???? I remember you telling me you were a pirate so how is this possible you hate pirate but you used to be one? Remember I been playing UWO a LONG time too

    Im calling BS on this whole multi-box ruined the game thing and all these problems made the game impossible to play for you.  I dont know the deal with your account(s)  but it doesnt make logical sense and they contradict themselves.

    Nasi you on ya own buddy lol... Complain all you want but now I see your arguments are inauthentic so no point to argue.

  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @CPC "its impossible to play this game for 10 years and be this clueless".

    Maybe it is. If you notice on his ship, 2 of the skills are dark because he wont use arms/management. He has management, but can't rank it because he doesn't have (and refuses to use) casting/hc/sewing. You have to use those to rank that skill since storage doesn't work for management (greatly reduced rate). So he'll never be able to use those skills on his ship. Lol

    IGN: Samantha99
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    -do you idk, maybe have an amnesia or something cpc? or just been more clueless?

    back in a day, i become pirate due changing to ottoman...

    -again, do people do MCT party? i dont think so
    -wow 1-15 2 days... yeah maybe if your ship have 3-4k cargo... and then again, you literally will be sleeping on sea after several craft

    and for those wise, MANAGEMENT NEED TO BE SAIL
    -as i stated, im not a multi and wont be multi
    i have limited item inside my inventory/bank/ss1/strongbox
    its enough for ss1, what? you wanna make me invest ss2?
    and you think someone will hail you from sea, "hey i wanna buy your aos," nop its gonna be long time to stay inside one inventory

    -as i stated, what rank is collection for white ore? its r1 + r11... not just r1...
    and if you stay near certain landmark it'll spawn an npc and while you already in boredom time and fell asleep, wham, 4

    -yeah but at least i know the item wont be worth to sell anymore? lel
    -as i stated... im do salvaging... and sometimes item from salvaging already full the cargo(even you throw food/water).. now i need to care for fish and beer? *rolls eyes to right* yeah

    salvaging have arts, if you got fight, just run the upper floor(mostly since my sw now large not small ship anymore) and you can run away from fight

    land battle? if you fell asleep colleting/ doom bud

    anyway i prove my point, now i just wanna cook irl for myself and family and maybe eat some potatoes in ffxiv
  • VesuviousVesuvious Posts: 28Member Beginner
    Mcct- 30-40k

    Swmp 3-500k

    Right now.

    No... you clearly dont check the markets.
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    back for a moment, i mistype

    value? what value is that ship? can it be traded with pirate activity for 1 year or what?

    can it be traded with non-pirate activity for 1 year or what?

  • VesuviousVesuvious Posts: 28Member Beginner
    I picked up casting 4 days ago... i started grinding it 2 days ago... im r10... and i am a slow grinder... with 458 cargo.

    Nasi you seem to be out of touch with the game reality atm.
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    He's out of touch with more than just the game lol
    IGN: Samantha99
  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    @vesuvious You don't need to ever worry about the mcct topic anymore it's obvious he's BS'ing. He discredited himself with his statement...

    last time i check it was like 70k(i rarely check market now, but after seeing price of item in merchant chat

    Everybody in this game knows that no one sells mcct's on merchant chat lol.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • VesuviousVesuvious Posts: 28Member Beginner
    @purplepirate he'll probably check the going rate now that esf is on lol
  • pekkauwerpekkauwer Posts: 187Member Beginner
    last time i check
    image dont have company administration building/ merchant selling item

    i guess i ask around
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