curious pirate ship behaviour

jekibgoodjekibgood Posts: 0Member Beginner
ok, i was jumped by a pirate recently. we were going opposite ways. he caught up me with by jumping forward several times, as if he was lagging. i am not too fast, but i was making a solid 11 knots against the wind. i was wondering if it was normal. is there an item that helps you do that?


  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    it's more than normal. You have to understand that many ships are fully modded for speed. And once you add grinded skills and good sails, then a ship can reach incredible speeds. Some ship types are also better speed against winds so that's a factor as well. Most pirates will also be using the uwc speed boost of 50%. This is why it's always a good idea to carry a few tributes just in case you encounter a pirate like that.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • calicaddy46calicaddy46 Posts: 123Member Trainee
    If another moving ship is far away from your ship they might be seen as "jumping" I like to call them blinking ships. That's probably what you've observed and it's not that the player was actually jumping - it's just how the game shows the player far away. As the pirate got closer to you they stopped "jumping" right?
  • lefox271lefox271 Posts: 495Member Intermediate
    Ha ha. No they really do jump.

    A displacement hull could never move that fast. So they skip across the waves like speed boats.
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