Extremely Low FPS (Intelcore i7 4th Gen)

SusanaNLSusanaNL Posts: 20Member Beginner
Dear friends from WarRock,

I've a pretty good computer with a 4th Gen i7 processor and enough memory. The problem is that I have literally 15-25FPS in the game and it's just unplayable. Someone from my clan (InsanityTeam) Honcho has exactly the same problem. This is a problem which wasn't before (till a few days ago). Can someone please help me to get a solution for this? I need people like Harib0 or Dragonforce or something, I don't know I need computernerds to help me out. 

I re-installed .NET Framework. Re-installed WarRock. Windows 10 is 100% up-to-date. It's frustrating. Help me out people! Thanks in advance. I'll buy you a beer when you give the right solution! Even when I put my resolution to HD Ready (720p) and put textures to low I have maximum of 25FPS. 


- Susana


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