ESF Voting, EPF Pre-registration Fails

BiglouiecBiglouiec Posts: 4Member Beginner
The pre-vote/ pre-register processes has to be one of the stupidest rules in the game. If you don't vote in the small timeframe to participate, you cant play in the weekend's event. Not everyone has time to play throughout the work week, then gets screwed once the weekend comes around, as theyre unable to participate in the event. If you want to actually increase ESF/EPF participation, allow players to "vote" and play, up until the event begins. Allow them more freedom to choose which side they want to support.

Voting is also a problem for ESF alliances. Ottoman, has always been a mercenary nation. Now, they vote and ally with a participating nation. I am an Ottoman player, in a majority English Company. I vote in accordance with my company, as I would like to play alongside my mates This ESF, I voted to support Venice, but Otto voted to ally with Dutch. I now have to choose between fighting against all my own company members, with a bunch of players I don't know, for a nation I despise, or not play at all. I choose to not play at all. It should be for whomever you vote for, you support as a mercenary, especially as Ottoman. There is 1 Portu player in my company, whom too, actually works throughout the week. He wasn't able to vote and now he cant play either. How do you plan on growing the event, when you make it hard for players to participate in the first place. Here you have 2 players who want to play, are fully equipped to play, have the time to play, but have to spend the weekend doing nothing, while the rest of our company members have fun.

This is the same problem as EPF. Many players don't have the time, to pre-register during the work week, and once the EPF event comes around on the weekend, they cant play. This is stupid. There is no other way to put it. You should be able to register until the event begins, and even after like before the 2nd or 3rd day's events. The only thing I wouldn't let players do is switch their vote, once the event has already begun. Last EPF had 1 Yellow Fleet (Anima) 1 Green Fleet (Gazi, RDJ, usuals) and no red fleet. There wasn't even enough turnout to do any PvP on the final day, as there was no Yellow/Red players. This was an epic fail of an event due to a pathetic turnout.

For ESF. It should be Aggressor vs Defender nations. You should still have a voting period, to establish alliances but whomever votes, can fight alongside WHO THEY VOTE FOR. Anyone who is unable to vote, should be automatically enrolled, and be able to participate alongside their flag nation. Any unallied nation player, who forgot to vote, should be able to "vote" or even just take the ESF quest from whichever nation they choose, up until the event begins. Even if you miss the first 2 days, you should still be able to take the quest for whichever nation you choose, before Day 3, and still play. The only limitation is once you choose your side, you cant switch.

EPF should be similar. EPF already has a hard enough time making enough fleets to have the event. There hasn't even been a red team for the last 2 events. 2 events ago, there was 1 red player, RDJ, whom "mistakenly" chose red, and wished to change to green, prior to the event. He wasn't able to due to the stupid rules, and had to fight as a 1 man team. In my company alone, there is always 2-3 players who aren't able to pre-register, then the weekend comes and they want to play, and cant. You need to let players choose a side, up until the event begins.

Lastly, stop giving free prizes to EPF players, just for signing up. Days prior to EPF, you see so many players running around Seville, with pirate flags, then the day of the event, these players are nowhere to be seen for the actual event. They should NOT get a participation prize, just for signing up. There should be a time requirement before they are eligible for a prize (ie 45 mins of play) or to generate a certain amount of points. Now there are so many alts signing up, not playing, and getting a free prize. It makes no sense and is heavily exploited.

The events are only successful when players participate. The more, the merrier. When you make it harder and harder to participate, less players are going to play, ruining the event for everyone. Then the next month's event comes along and less players will register because they'll remember how much the prior month's event sucked, with the low turnout. This ESF they are giving out prizes because they are so desperate for participation, yet participation is lower than it should be because of stupid rules.


  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
    Well, ESF whether you vote or not you can still sign up and participate in the event. The sign up starts 6 hours before each round and goes right up to the event so even if you have no time durring the week you can still play.
    True, if your company is made up of different nations' players then you will have to play against each other but so what? ESF isn't a battle between companies, it's between nations. If you all want to play together then you should all play from the same nation. Some ESFs a nation will be mercenary so you can choose who to play for. I personally have never really cared about comp mates since I'm the only maritimer in our comp and theres ALWAYS people and fleets to join for esf. But yes it would be nice to have more flexibility.

    EPF works differently. I to have had to sit out because I've missed the sign up, BUT this event has a much longer sign up period even though it has a sooner cut off date. Even if you work during the week then sign up on the weekend before or log in for just a few minutes when you get in from work just tp join a team. Now i know to sign up early for it.

    As for that EPF with RDJ playing solo, that was hilarious. I play on green team and he really helped us blocking yellows attacks so we could sink the leader. THANKS JACK :D we all had fun that day (cept for yellow who lost lol). As for playing together, it doesn't matter your nation only what team you play on so try to organize ahead of time with your friends so that you can all play together. My only issue with EPF is that i wish they staggered the times like ESF instead of having the same play time each day. I fully agree that alts shouldn't get rewards for signing up but NOT participating, thats just dumb.
    IGN: Samantha99
  • WesDoobnerWesDoobner Posts: 761Member Intermediate
    Hmmm, so you get prizes just for signing up for the EPF? food for thought.....
    May the winds blow you well
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