Found a way to fix the lagg bug.
Somehow they still can't fix the Lagg Bug, which is known for more than 1 year. Anyway I found an easy solution about this. The japanese version of WarRock has no laggs at all. You will just lagg if you have a high ping, which is normal and makes sense. So to fix this bug, they just need to translate the japanese version and insert it. This will fix the bug and DE can focus on other things like bringing out a new clanwarsystem or a competitive esl mode.
As you can see in the following Videos there are no laggs.
Maybe Papaya thought already to insert this version but then saw that you dont need fast reload anymore, which means less money. So they rather let their community play with laggs and get money for a pay2win item.
If you want them to insert that version to WarRock then answer with a"+1".
As you can see in the following Videos there are no laggs.
Maybe Papaya thought already to insert this version but then saw that you dont need fast reload anymore, which means less money. So they rather let their community play with laggs and get money for a pay2win item.
If you want them to insert that version to WarRock then answer with a"+1".