Adios from Poje

LouisPojeLouisPoje Posts: 0Member Beginner
Hi my name is Poje, im an old UWO player that played from when the beta opened in North america. Some of the old players may know me.

I wanted to make a comeback to the game, but sadly, i can't reconnect to my old account and when i saw that the max resolution of the game was 1920x1440, i stoped trying, lol. All my monitors are 4k now...

I loved this game. It was different and since i loved UWO new horizons on Genesis, (yes im old) it was easy for me to fall in love with the online version. 

I want to say goodbye and GL to all UWO players, especialy those from Golden Horde, like Battousai and MarcoS. Also the french guys since im french, some may remember me.

We never know i may comeback to the game one day, if they upgrade the resolution and i can find my account again.

For those who care, you can see some of the things i did in UWO on my youtube chanel. I was known for speed and my navigation skills. This video for exemple, i was the 1st to circumnavigate the globe by the north passage : 

From the early times known as the frenchmen Louis_Poje_du_Pont to simply Poje, it was a blast navigating those waters with you guys!

Have fun!



  • purplepiratepurplepirate Posts: 994Member Intermediate
      Hello Poje, glad to hear of another wanting to return to the fun of uwo. The game has really developed since those old days. On top of the historical background of the game, it's intoduction of legendary elements keeps it exciting. From mythical lands like Xanadu and Atlantis to the new Leviathan (from the Sea Serpent legend) in the Sea of Wonders makes it worth playing. Give it a try :)

       As for your account, well that was on the old 'Gama' server which closed down in late 2017. Papaya Play picked up the game and started a new server for us called "Maris' but a new server meant starting over for all of us. It's not so bad though, there's been soooo many boosts and perks in the game over time that you can max out now in a very fairly short time. Right now there's a server involvement event to kill the Leviathan for extended server boosts which is pretty neat. Hope to see you on the seas...
    IGN: Samantha99
  • DamianBaronDamianBaron Posts: 0Member Beginner
    Take time away but never say never!!
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