Dear Charonte

DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
edited November 2019 English
Can i ask:

Why is it a segragation or racist talk to say lot of turk player hacking, shall i say also lot of german gamer hack as well?????

Why is it not a racist talk when they say muslims unite kill all christians ???

Why   is it not a hate speach to say kill all white peoples???

Why is it not a racist talk to say i will kill your mother and father and make u eat them for glory of Allah???

As i white christian i find it both insulting and racist, but i am just a white christian so no one care right???

I am awaiting for your kind respond


  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    My sugestion is PING LIMIT BACK so we can put green ping and no more racist long range talk will be in game and it will also help the community

    OK i also know not much gamer so room would be fill up harder but with no lag that wil lbe a quality gameplay and if gamers want more gamer with lag they stil lhave option to choose other pings like red and can play with other side the world.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    1.I don’t know what religion you are and it doesn’t matter to me. I respect people who are telling the truth. 

    2.And it’s useless for some Satanists to ask questions. These nonhumans even hate themselves.
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate

    The problem is in the server that rents the papaya (exNexon server). 
    Most likely they don’t want to spend money on a good server and connection. 
    They don’t know the ping limit how to do it because now there is no p2p connection in the game as before.

    p.s.  In addition, turning to racist hgm caronte is futile
  • PAPAYAnexon2PAPAYAnexon2 Posts: 363Member Intermediate
    sorry macaronte
  • JackKnife2007JackKnife2007 Posts: 31Member Beginner
    I gave up the game a long time ago but still read here in the forum.
    You 2 are the absolute bangers.
    No idea why you are not yet banished.
    Eternally senseless Threads at the start, other players you show that your accusations are completely stupid insult, etc..
    At G1 times not only your forum accounts would be gone but also the game accounts.
  • DruidaDruida Posts: 387Member Trainee
    Ye in G1 i got banned fro killing a GM in game right after he told he is unstopable :)

    And got lacc banned with /whereis  (or was it /finduser and name??? dont remember) and name to see what room they are, then telling to a new joiner hello HGM wellcome in room, they not know commands what was easy to know with command of /help

    In this manner papaya better than G1 was but ping limit was one of the best future in G1 times
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