Mostly Up To Date Older GVONavi/GVONavish Map Edit

MeeptroidMeeptroid Posts: 2Member Beginner
Finding that I'm not a particularly big fan of the newer style of map (specifically the one showing terrain) due to how it looks, as well as noticing that there wasn't a pinpointed location of the Siberia Landing Zone and the lack of even a point for the Sea of Okhotsk West Coast landing zone, I brought it upon myself to create a GVONavi map edit based upon the older, simpler blue style last updated at some point when Age of Revolution was current, while keeping a lot of the useful features of the newer map. This is mostly a personal thing, but I've posted what I have thus far here in case anyone else preferred the old style, or knows anything I'm having trouble either finding or figuring out.

Things I've done:
Added the aforementioned landing sites with specific locations, as well as a couple other landing sites not on the older map.
Added the Order of the Prince ports.
Color-coded the points on the map for ports, as well as changed the colors of Santiago and Manila to the "City/Town with Quests" color to reflect the fact that they have Imperial Quests (Might change to their own color at a later point). Also made Sagres that color to reflect Folklore Quests.
Fixed where the pathway to Tenochtitlan is from Gulf of Mexico South-West to Veracruz.
Added the pathway from Lima to the Mayan Cities.
Fixed a possible typo of "St. George" to how it's spelled ingame, "Saint-Georges". Jolo's name was also replaced, due to it being very blurry and kind of difficult to read.

Fix more typos shown all throughout the map, with ports (if there are any), landing sites, and sea regions.
Consolidate all ports and landing sites with one font (if anyone knows where to find a normal Computer Modern Sans Serif that isn't immediately bold, that'd help tremendously as that's the font from what I can tell).
Consolidate the font with sea regions (again, if anyone knows the font and where to find it, I'd greatly appreciate it).
Add where each landing site/inland of ports lead to.
Possibly outline the port dots with colors for respective regions like the newer map.
Add maximum ship speeds for each sea zone like the newer map.

If I can think of anything else for the To-Do, you'll see it in the map at a later date.

IGN: Chiara


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