Random questions from a returning player

WestonMicahWestonMicah Posts: 0Member Beginner


Thanks for reading and helping me sort out some of the questions as a returning/new player. It has been awhile since I last played dekaron, even longer now for the official server. I have been keeping up with the new classes, it has always been one of those games that you keep going back to, and dekaron is like my favorite game hands down. But I stopped playing shortly after they transferred ownership to Nexon. Anyway, I feel a bit disconnected with all the new elements in game. I hope this thread can be interactive and helpful for people.

Is there a leveling guide somewhere, like what to do from level 1-200? How to level the most efficient way?

What is the end game PvP like? Who is the strongest character if gears are similar? I heard that AKs had been OP prior to ACT 19, what about now? Hunter and Mage?

Anyone has a link to those meister skills? I'm curious to see what they look like.


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