Ranking System...

v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
When is the Ranking System coming.... You delay it for the most stupid reason's upon this earth...

You said you was going to do live-streams every month to keep players up-to-date on what's going on.
Do you? NO!
Do you care? NO!

I don't understand how the Ranking System isn't coded yet. It's beyond a joke.

Get these little spotty 17year old Home GM's coding a little. It's not hard.
WarRock Beta Player since 2006!


  • Mrterr0rMrterr0r Posts: 244Member Trainee
    A ranking system its not something they should be working. It adds absolutely nothing to the game and there time would be better spent fixing the problems that are already existing in game. It would only makes for even more toxic game play as players start to worry about there rank just like they do now with KD

    Are you really bothered if your number 10 or 3008 

    Team balance needs addressing.
    Class balance needs addressing. 
    Stopping players switching sides.
    Putting a limit on players needed to start a game based on room size.
    Punishment for leaving a game. Just remove any kills a player has made. Its not a hard thing to do. 

    Give BG a room option like battle royal. Log in, ready up, and play!~ the server will choose the map and sides. Need to complete 10 games for a reward but if you leave one game its reset to 0

    The over all game play is awful. But it could be so so much better if positive changes were made. Ranking is the last thing this game needs. Fake stats already exist.

    Will i be at the top? Day one account only a handful of us left or do the no lifers with 6000 hours get that spot? Meaning most people will never have a chance.  What about KD, The guys who bash 1-10s daily and RQ any time they die. Do they get top spot over someone who sticks a game out regardless of score. \

    There are so many other things more important then ranking 

    Beta then 2007-2020
  • v0nndutchv0nndutch Posts: 652Member Intermediate
    I know other stuff needs fixing..

    DE fix that stuff in-game
    Papaya make ranking...

    They just don't give a shit. Just as bad as nexon..

    Game will be given up by Papaya in 2years July anyway.
    WarRock Beta Player since 2006!
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