Fullscreen causing crash during start up

KirgioKirgio Posts: 0Member Beginner
I'm been having an issue getting the game to run in fullscreen. I've tried changing to fullscreen in game but that just causes the game window to disappear and I have to force close the game. When trying to change it through the option.txt file, then during start up the game crashes. I've also tried running the game at my intended resolution (1080p) in windowed mode and I have no issue so it seems to be only with running in fullscreen that is causing the crashing. I am current on my graphics drivers and using a Windows 10 PC.


  • GMbonovoxxGMbonovoxx Posts: 104Admin Trainee
    I've heard this issue reported a couple of times, but I'm no expert of graphics drivers. if you haven't already, please send a support ticket, so we can at least keep track of it while we try to restore it, thanks.
    The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
    And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
    And a dark wind blows
  • dominic5000dominic5000 Posts: 0Member Beginner
    I'm having this exact same problem. Now the game won't even start up because my settings are configured to fullscreen. Please help guys
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