Interested in coming back, few questions to get me up to speed :)

SpooklesSpookles Posts: 287Member Intermediate
Heya, so what is the current 'meta' what are people doing, anything happened in the last ~8 months that massively altered the gameplay?

Is PVP happening outside ESF/BC?
Are pirates still yippy yapping around EA, Boston?
Do BHs exist?
Is Nanban still going on as usual?
What is the average ship price for a good one?
Is rare plundering still a job that exists for books or ship paints?
Is my PVP ship still capable? (most relevant skills refined)

If anyone is willing to update me, many thanks :)


  • tpainetimtpainetim Posts: 35Member Beginner
    I will answer these to the best of my knowledge:

    1. yes, but you mostly have to join mock battles on sunday hosted by the company Garuda. additionally, team korea and others like myself set up small scale mock battles/real battles on occasion. 
    2. yes, pirates still camp boston and it gets really active on the franban days once a month. 
    3. for the most part, no, bh's do not exist. most of the ones that do exist farm their alts to keep their name on the pretty leaderboard. it seems that pirates are better at killing pirates than bh's. 
    4. yes, nanban is still going on as usual but you can utilize the trains to get faster travel between EA and EU. 
    5. not sure if you are referring to a nanban ship here, but you can build a FS Potosi from hull that has 1366 cargo and over 1100 sails. Very decent ship, requires lv 85 trade iirc. 
    6. yes, people still rare plunder to get special ship paints and ssb books, however paints are in more demand :)
    7. capable in comparison to other ships? you can still probably hold your own with good defensive skills, but there are pvp ships with 353 sailors, 1720 dura and WMB, so that might be a bit of an issue. Additionally, iirc BPA doesn't have any effect for ships over 120 armor. You might want to change that skill on your MG. 

    cheers :)
  • OwvinIIOwvinII Posts: 139Member Trainee
    Spookles' Maltese Galley looks like a FS ship rather than a many-times-more-expen$ive UWC ship, yet tpainetim refers to pvp ships that have 353 sailors, 1720 dura, and WMB, but doesn't that require UWC ships to meet both the stats of 353 sailors and 1720 durability? Are there no FS ships that can have 353 sailors, 1720 dura, and WMB ?
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