Hardcore Search And Destroy

As Search and Destroy is a huge mode in many fps games. It would be very fun if we had various types of serach and destroy. Fortunately, we already have one different type of Search and destroy called SD-I. Although this game mode is quite fun, it can get boring after a while. Therefore, i have decided to come up with "Hardcore SD".
This game mode is basically search and destroy. However, the amount of HP and AP you have will remain the same after the round finishes. For example, if we start round 1 and i got shot and have 50HP and 36AP, if i dont die in that round, next round my HP and AP will be the same. So in round 2, i will start off with 50HP and 36AP. If you do die, your HP and AP will return back to 100HP and 100AP for example. To make it even harder, the bullets remaining in your weapons will also stay the same, unless you die, it will go back to normal. In my opinion, this game can be fun and challenging which will make the game better.
What are your thoughts on this. Do not hesitiate to give a review, and maybe add another feature withtin the gamemode that can be implemented to make this gamemode harder :D.
Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
The red team have to defend themselves within time limit
If anybody shoots the captive the other team wins the round