Blackshot Error DirectX

KonijntjesKonijntjes Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner

At the end of installing blackshot I get the following message:


I already installed DirectX and still get this message. I have played this game like a year ago and had no problems whatsoever. After I needed to install the new client, blackshot just won't start. 

I really like this game and hope you can help me!

Kind regards,



  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    What kind of error message do you have when starting the game (except from the Direct X one when the installation is complete) ?
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • KonijntjesKonijntjes Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
    When I click on the Blackshot logo to start the game it just wont open (yes I run as admin). Nothing happends. But when I go to the files in blackshot folder and click on 'Patcher', the following message is given:


    'Console is not defined'. When I try to login at this screen, after I press yes/no also nothing happends and this screen just closes..

    What can I do?
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    edited June 2016
    I suggest you to make a clean-reinstallation of your game by clicking <<< here >>>
    Then, I suggest you to install the essential software to play Blackshot by clicking <<< here >>>
    Don't forget to check that your drivers are updated.

    You can also send a ticket ( and explain your problem in details.
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    Somehow the links are invisible on my screen; don't know why though
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • KonijntjesKonijntjes Posts: 3Approved Member Beginner
    edited June 2016
    I know these things MrDeyveen and tried it, dont works. Those are the basic things to copy paste in every topic..
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate
    Well I don't know I'm trying to help you since no one did..
    As I said you should send a ticket to the support then...
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • WitthorWitthor Posts: 1Approved Member Beginner
    When i click on the start button, my game closes.
  • DIABO_GameMastersDIABO_GameMasters Posts: 1,325BS DSH Professional
    edited June 2016
    Hi guys,

    Please join us on our Discord > Waiting for Support and one of our GMs will help you via Teamviewer: Link is here but invisible
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  • wentinggggwentingggg Posts: 1Member Beginner
    why must have directx to play
  • MelloXmasMelloXmas Posts: 1Member Beginner
    i cant login and the server has an script error pls fix this for me  Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (31).         regards me.   
  • soulordsoulord Posts: 2Member Beginner
    i cant login in saying error 0xc000009a
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