Wait a minute, I don't understand it yet...

EnergeticsEnergetics Posts: 39Approved Member Beginner
edited July 2016 General
if you get dc = 5~15 minutes account BAN (cause you just cannot reconnect for a while).

if you go afk farming at non pk crespo/deadland/aquarius etc with your summy/cs pet = totally legit, nobody up there seems to do anything unless a ticket or 2 or more will be sent.

dear papaya, should it be a joke? then nope, it's not funny, not even close to be.

and without any relation to this afk cheaters, this is just another example for how papaya gives green light to cheaters and as well dont care of players who really encounter problems. but nvm its not my main point here.

my point is about the dc/reconnection issues. do the game a favor and fix this bug asap, cause lot of players have this issue.

or just help me understand why it happens every but every time you get dc. i didnt read in the game rule that dc is bannable offense, or maybe im just mistaken...

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