What If Blackshot didn't have tactical package 1?

markedx100markedx100 Posts: 4Approved Member
How would feel like for you guys if we didn't have tactical one package in this game? Would you feel like it could balance the game out and feel like it takes more skill to get a kill in the game or would it feel really difficult and not enjoyable?

If possible i would like some opinions about what you think about on this topic.


  • baran65baran65 Posts: 68Approved Member Beginner
    Firstly, i would like to thank you for bringing this topic up. Its been suggested before, but as expected, it never really happens. Theres a reason to why it never happens. You have to think about blackshot and how it can maxamise profits. The more money they make, the happier they are. Every company is like that. People spend hundreds on tactic packages (all of them) and for 30 days they can get it for 350BSC, which is equivalent to £3.50 in England. Image if hundreds of players do that monthly. They will make a lot of money. However another approach they could have taken to "balance" the game, is to make the game paid in steam where we pay £10 for example to buy the game. Inside the game, they could have worked on graphics improvements, servers, better anti hack and less p2w as well as no tactic packages so people rely on their skills to help them win. Neverheless, i hope more people share their opinions and contribute to this thread. I fully agree with you!

  • WaftrueWaftrue Posts: 18Approved Member Beginner
    I agree with Baran65. 

    The game is unfortunately pay-to-win nowadays, if they make it a paid game on steam that would help them gain enough profit and focus on the game balance and improving their servers, plus that would make people think twice before they try to cheat because they will have to 'buy' a new account once they get banned.

    I hope they discuss that in their next meeting.
  • MrDeyveeNMrDeyveeN Posts: 419Approved Member Intermediate

    Well first of all if Blackshot would have cost 10£ for instance on Steam. It wouldn't be a free-to-play game anymore.

    Then, a lot of people would have download the game through the website to have it for free...

    I mostly disagree with that.


    Concerning the main subject of this topic, I know how you feel and it surely needs some improvements concerning the Tactic Packages.
    Stopped playing because of Blackshot Revolution.
  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    pleas do not remove tp1 from shop guys :D im buying every month tp1 and tp2 so if u dont have money for bsc go and play cs-go or other fps game how simple is that
  • HarjotboyHarjotboy Posts: 14Approved Member Beginner
    Lol thcmagik
  • ThcMagikThcMagik Posts: 139Approved Member Trainee
    I was joking only :D i mean this is how everything runs on world u need money so the game can grow up and put more staff on it :D

  • beogradskebeogradske Posts: 13Approved Member Beginner
    edited July 2016

    first of all let me kick this of with saying that TP1 will never be removed since it's bringing in a lot of money, 
    After that being said.. I think that TP isn't necessary but it "helps" you improving your focus. I can play with both, it certainly depends on the player.
    The only disadvantage in my opinion is that you have a massive recoil, if you get shot first by an enemy and not having "Subzero Blood".
    @MrDeveeyN: If Blackshot would cost something, nobody would buy it. The only possibility to make people buying this game  would be to make everything available for BP, if you've already bought the game. Just saying.

  • K3BeinK3Bein Posts: 18Approved Member Beginner
    i would buy it.

    i never used tp1 or tp2, they're bullshit in my opinion, because they dont improve your skill.
    a game like this is always about the question "who is better", items like tp1 or something similar make it unclear who is really good and who is just using items which prevent him from the real trouble (regarding subzero for example) the only bsc things i use are bsc snipers, some "not that op" bsc rifles (eg. ak dragon), medikit premium (no one can live in this game without this) and recently the magazine extension 2.

    if it were items that you can buy for bp, its a whole other story, because then theyre accessible for everybody, and then its a matter of decisions, do i really need sub0, or do i want something else in that slot.
    it would be a bit like runes and masterys in league of legends, where u can optimize your character depending on your playstyle.

    personally i wouldnt mind those items being removed, but then again im also against any type of those bugskins and i wish for them to disappear.
  • MPVshotMPVshot Posts: 71Approved Member Beginner
    These things will never leave guys you have to understand the big defense always is "we need to feed our families" so they make this stuff in game to get people to pretty much P2W look at the latest new snipers both pretty OP and both hidden in the most expensive box with all the new characters (excluding pei) but even she is in a bundle for more money and I feel only added to show steam players how Op you can be with that pack so yeah you are wasting your breath balance will never be a thing in blackshot we just have to face it we get a turd anti hack system and lots of OP items coming back now enjoy and before any small minded GM fan boys come and defend this practice I DO CASH almost every month trying to support this braindead style of pay for time bullsh+t
  • TatsuyaGameMastersTatsuyaGameMasters Posts: 76BS GM Beginner
    JIN Here! 

    Well my honest opinion about the TP1 ( Tactic Package 1 ). i don't have anything agaist TP but in my case i really like to play with rifles naturally with no "ways of recoil decreasing" gears nor anything like that because it's in a way that you'll get used nto only to the weapon but also to the fire rate and also by aim position which you need to start to shoot and so on. I don't have that much experience with rifles due to the fact that i'm a Sniper player but there are only 2 Weapons which i love using (Rifles) which is the BP HK-416 & the G36 BP. I don't see that much players using HK maybe because they don't know how epic it is on the battlefield or maybe because they never tried it for real but for me i like them with no TP in it, i'm pretty sure that to other weapons it would be the same for me, i mean in terms of recoil and so on...
    image  Send us a Ticket if you have any quesions! And STAY AWESOME!
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