New DShop Costume really?
New d shop costume gives 8% DDR 8% and Pk/Pvp 8k HP 18% mov speed 5% abnormal status resist 18% all attack? Really? Even before there was too much ddr and pk/pvp and now u put that costume in d shop? This is not going to be better than nexon... Some ppl will be just immortal Deux pet 5% pk/pvp, this costume, red wings and full geared character = even with 100k dmg in stats u will do 2-3k crits from meisters if ure lucky. HF making this game even more trash.
You wrong !
Max dammage in game is 65k in stats.
There were many ppls b4 that reach max pk pvp res gap even with out that costume.
Some classes like Segu deals tons of dmg even with max pk pvp res gap.
Good Luck with rolling deux pet uniqe pet theres is like 4 or 5 ppls who got him.
2-3k crits from meisters that make me laught so hard seems like you are newbie player which has no lots of experiance in game.
So your complaining about one item is just ridiculous and not supported by any facts.