Game error

lRelaxllRelaxl Posts: 1Approved Member
When i start the game i have error 115,and cant play


  • xVECAxxVECAx Posts: 9Approved Member Beginner
    Me too but I have error 110

    Life is a game. You can be a player or a toy!
  • ELKO_GameMastersELKO_GameMasters Posts: 831BS DSH Intermediate
    Hello guys, check this link to solve your problem:

    Error 110 - This is indicating that nProtect has already been loaded once and is still resident in memory. Bring up the Task Manager by clicking “Ctrl” “Alt” “Delete”, click processes, and perform an end process on u_skid program and GameMon.des. If ending these processes does not resolve the error, please reboot your PC. View GameGuard FAQ also.

    Error 115 -Game has been executed multiple times, or GameGuard is already running.Close the game and restart.

    Solution 1.Hit ‘Ctrl+Shift+Esc’ to launch Task Manager. Under ‘Processes’, terminate GameMon.des
    Solution 2.Restart your computer

    or GameGuard has failed to initialize. Please configure your security application(s) and disable UAC (User Account Controls) in Windows Vista or Windows 7.


    if you continue with the same problem, we recommend you to delete the GameGuard folder and re-running the game again to redownload the files.

    if you have any problem Send us a ticket

  • xVECAxxVECAx Posts: 9Approved Member Beginner
    After rebooting PC all ok. We have a problem all day. Before each entry to the game we must to reboot PC... 
    Life is a game. You can be a player or a toy!
  • kasina11kasina11 Posts: 2Approved Member Beginner
    no just press Ctrl + alt + delete for task manager then go to procces and end task gameguard or gamemon idk anymore and then restart blackshot working fine for me
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