Tips on leveling?
Posts: 86Approved Member
Any tips and guides on leveling? Im sort of a vet but i take frequent breaks and alot of changes. Wanting to stay mroe consistent this time.
I know the exp amulet and holy water helps for the exp bonuses and stuff. But where should i grind and what dungeons should i do? How long should i do the story quest for? Of course IB and DF everytime I can
Very helpful
There is a Deadfront and Ice Castle for different level groups: (Each group has the same name both in Deadfront and IceCastle)
Baron - lvl 71 - 90
Earl - 91-110
Duke 111-130
Arc 131-150
Doom 151-165
Hell - 166+
Core 176+
Deadfront (at Chain of Fire map) and IceCastle (Valley of the Frozen Hermit map) are designed for leveling, plus a good 'ol pvp fight at the end, if you there are 2 or more parties.
Do those, In between all of that questing. Also there are are Commission quests and some daily quests you can repeat to add to the exp if you are stuck on a map.
Then there are the infinite battles if you have tickets, or can get in a party with someone who has them.
Dungeon Master is a Quest you get from Eve Rhianna in Valley Rift. It's a series of dungeons to complete for the reward of 25 Dragon Souls per run. The quest is repeatable. 1 Run = (Tower S, Baz, Rudne, and Elonhom). With a decent party of 4 that actually can go fairly quickly.
Dungeons to do at 170+, You can do daily Favnil that is in Dravis Village now, along with Baz and Rudne, (Favnil is 3x, Baz and Rudne are Repeatable) they moved those to higher levels along with abyss.
Sacred Claw in Dravis, and then Mitera (Karon's Firepot).
Doing the Mitera Quests are needed for those Meister skills, and some decent exp also.