Old Vertigo account and new Steam autologin account

RioluRiolu Posts: 7Approved Member Beginner
Since a few weeks ago, a message popped up which says, that i can registrate me there, for auto-login, if i start the Blackshot launcher.

Mostly I've continued playing with my normal Vertigo account: Riolu, but after I finished this registration, I can't even anymore log me in with my Vertigo account and this s*cks very much, because my entire Charakter and Rank and all that stuff that my Vertigo account have are now unable to access for me. It's like I've lost everything, what I played and done at Blackshot.  Does anyone know how to reset the launcher to this point, where i can log me in with my Vertigo account and password and not beeing auto-logged in?


  • RioluRiolu Posts: 7Approved Member Beginner
    edited August 2016
    Problem solved:

    If you want to launch BlackShot with your Steam login, then you have to start Blackshot from the Steam run ID URL.

    If you want to play with your Vertigo account, you have to launch Blackshot by doubleclick on the main file, which is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\BlackShot\Patcher.exe , or making a shortcut on the desktop to this file, but not to the Steam game Run ID.
  • RioluRiolu Posts: 7Approved Member Beginner
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